Publications of Wolfgang Prinz

Talk (227)

Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: Die Vorhersage von Handlungen Anderer: Semantische und Zeitliche Aspekte der Mentalen Handlungssimulation. 12th Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Luxembourg, Belgium (2009)
Maidhof, C.; Rieger, M.; Prinz, W.; Koelsch, S.: Neural correlates of action monitoring and error processing during music performance and perception. An ERP study. 7th triennal Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Science of Music, Finland (2009)
Prinz, W.: Subjekte sind Artefakte. Salzburger Festspiel-Dialoge, Salzburg, Austria (2009)
Philipp, A. M.; Prinz, W.: Task sharing: A role for agent competition. JAM (3rd Joint Action Meeting), Amsterdam, NL (2009)
Tausche, P.; Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: Embodied action simulation: Evidence from effector specificity. "Projekte und Methoden - Sozialpsychologie", Germany (2009)
Prinz, W.: Fingers, Flankers, Faces - How task sharing helps with task shaping. Conference on Agency and Joint Attention, New York, USA (2009)
Prinz, W.: Willensfreiheit als nützliche Erfindung. Jura trifft … Psychologie – Der Dialog, Germany (2009)
Prinz, W.: Action Simulation: Exploring the Representational Underpinnings of Unseen Action. Newcastle Upon Tyne (2009)
Prinz, W.: The Meaning of Movements. Newcastle Upon Tyne (2009)
Gunawan, R.; Daum, M. M.; Gredebäck, G.; Prinz, W.: The development of predictive eye movements during observation of goal directed actions. The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking, Stavanger, Norway (2009)
Melzer, A.; Daum, M. M.; Prinz, W.: The development of action perception and action production: More insights from the midline barrier paradigm. Doktorandenkolloquium Frühjahr 2009, Bad Lausick (2009)
Tausche, P.; Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: Predicting others actions: Temporal and motor aspects in action simulation. Doktorandenkolloquium, Bad Lausick, Germany (2009)
Zmyj, N.; Daum, M. M.; Carpenter, M. J.; Buttelmann, D.; Nielsen, M.; Prinz, W.: Selective imitation in 14-month-olds: Age and reliablity of the model matter. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, Colorado, USA (2009)
Beisert, M.; Massen, C.; Prinz, W.: Explicit rules and implicit functionality in the use of simple mechanical tools. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog/innen (TeaP), Germany (2009)
Tausche, P.; Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: Motorische und zeitliche Aspekte der Mentalen Simulation von Handlungen. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog|innen (TeaP), Jena, Germany (2009)
Tausche, P.; Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: Motor interference in action simulation. Enacting Intersubjectivity - Paving the way for a dialogue between cognitive science, social cognition and neuroscience, Lugano, Switzerland (2009)
Prinz, W.: Perception and Action Planning. Magdeburg (2009)
Jäger, C.; Holländer, A.; Prinz, W.: Joint Action in an Interpersonal Reaching Task - Discovering Coordination, Interference and Facilitation. Doktorandenkolloquium, Delitzsch, Germany (2008)
Melzer, A.; Daum, M. M.; Prinz, W.: Development of Action Production and Action Perception During the First Year of Life. Doktorandenkolloquium Herbst 2008, Delitzsch (2008)
Tausche, P.; Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: About the Crosstalk between Action Execution and Action Simulation. Doktorandenkolloquium, Delitzsch, Germany (2008)
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