Publications of Benjamin Stahl

Journal Article (31)

Journal Article
Stahl, B.; Becker, K.; Kocyigit, K.; Denzler, P.; Röder, P.: Link between post-stroke psychopathology and scope-of-action awareness. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders (accepted)
Journal Article
Stahl, B.; Szymanski, M.; Milek, A.; Volkert, J.; Gehrmann, F.-H.; Lussana, M.; Rizzonelli, M.; Staudt, P.; Kim, J. H.: Exploring the long-term impact of working alliance in couple therapy: A waiting-list controlled 1-year follow-up study. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration (2024)
Journal Article
Unger, N.; Stahl, B.; Darkow, R.; Scholz, V.; Weinmar, I.; Schmidt, J.; Breitenstein, C.; Meinzer, M.; Grewe, T.; Flöel, A.: Transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation zur Verbesserung der Trainingseffektivität bei chronischer Aphasie nach Schlaganfall – Wie gelingt die Studienrekrutierung Betroffener? Der Nervenarzt 95 (4), pp. 368 - 375 (2024)
Journal Article
Stahl, B.: Beyond language deficits: Working alliance and resources as predictors of recovery from aphasia. Stroke 54 (8), pp. 2208 - 2212 (2023)
Journal Article
RELEASE Collaboration; Stahl, B.: Precision rehabilitation for aphasia by patient age, sex, aphasia severity, and time since stroke? A prespecified, systematic review-based, individual participant data, network, subgroup meta-analysis. International Journal of Stroke 17 (10), pp. 1067 - 1077 (2022)
Journal Article
Stahl, B.; Millrose, S.; Denzler, P.; Lucchese, G.; Jacobi, F.; Flöel, A.: Intensive social interaction for treatment of poststroke depression in subacute aphasia: The CONNECT trial. Stroke 53 (12), pp. 3530 - 3537 (2022)
Journal Article
Popescu, T.; Stahl, B.; Wiernik, B. M.; Haiduk, F.; Zemanek, M.; Helm, H.; Matzinger, T.; Beisteiner, R.; Fitch, W. T.: Melodic Intonation Therapy for aphasia: A multi-level meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and individual participant data. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516 (1), pp. 76 - 84 (2022)
Journal Article
Stufano, A.; Lucchese, G.; Stahl, B.; Grattagliano, I.; Dassisti, L.; Lovreglio, P.; Flöel, A.; Iavicoli, I.: Impact of COVID-19 emergency on the psychological well-being of susceptible individuals. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 11152 (2022)
Journal Article
RELEASE Collaboration; Stahl, B.: Dosage, intensity and frequency of language therapy for aphasia: An individual participant data network meta-analysis. Stroke 53 (3), pp. 956 - 967 (2022)
Journal Article
Doppelbauer, L.; Mohr, B.; Dreyer, F. R.; Stahl, B.; Büscher, V.; Pulvermüller, F.: Long-term stability of short-term intensive language-action therapy in chronic aphasia: A 1-2 year follow-up study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 35 (10), pp. 861 - 870 (2021)
Journal Article
RELEASE Collaboration; Stahl, B.: Predictors of post-stroke aphasia recovery: A systematic review-informed individual participant data meta-analysis. Stroke 52 (5), pp. 1778 - 1787 (2021)
Journal Article
Dreyer, F. R.; Doppelbauer, L.; Büscher, V.; Arndt, V.; Stahl, B.; Lucchese, G.; Hauk, O.; Mohr, B.; Pulvermüller, F.: Increased recruitment of domain general neural networks in language processing following Intensive Language-Action Therapy: fMRI evidence from people with chronic aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 30 (1S), pp. 455 - 465 (2021)
Journal Article
Stahl, B.; Gawron, B.; Regenbrecht, F.; Flöel, A.; Kotz, S. A.: Formulaic language resources may help overcome difficulties in speech-motor planning after stroke. PLOS One 15 (6), e0233608 (2020)
Journal Article
Lucchese, G.; Flöel, A.; Stahl, B.: A peptide link between HCMV infection, neuronal migration, and psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11, 349 (2020)
Journal Article
RELEASE Collaboration; Stahl, B.: Communicating simply, but not too simply: Reporting of participants and speech and language interventions for aphasia after stroke. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 22 (3), pp. 302 - 312 (2020)
Journal Article
RELEASE Collaboration; Stahl, B.: RELEASE: A protocol for a systematic review-based, individual participant data, meta- and network meta-analysis of complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia. Aphasiology 34 (2), pp. 137 - 157 (2020)
Journal Article
Stahl, B.; Darkow, R.; von Podewils, V.; Meinzer, M.; Grittner, U.; Reinhold, T.; Grewe, T.; Breitenstein, C.; Flöel, A.: Transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance training effectiveness in chronic post-stroke aphasia: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Frontiers in Neurology 10, 1089 (2019)
Journal Article
Lucchese, G.; Flöel, A.; Stahl, B.: Cross-reactivity as a mechanism linking infections to stroke. Frontiers in Neurology 10, 469 (2019)
Journal Article
Stahl, B.; Mohr, B.; Büscher, V.; Dreyer, F. R.; Lucchese, G.; Pulvermüller, F.: Efficacy of intensive aphasia therapy in patients with chronic stroke: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 89 (6), pp. 586 - 592 (2018)
Journal Article
Lucchese, G.; Stahl, B.: Peptide sharing between viruses and DLX proteins: A potential cross-reactivity pathway to neuropsychiatric disorders. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 150 (2018)
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