Zeitschriftenartikel (332)

Skeide, M. A.; Kraft, I.; Müller, B.; Schaadt, G.; Neef, N.; Brauer, J.; Wilcke, A.; Kirsten, H.; Boltze, J.; Friederici, A. D.: NRSN1 associated grey matter volume of the visual word form area reveals dyslexia before school. Brain 139 (10), S. 2792 - 2803 (2016)
Steinbeis, N.; Margulies, D. S.: Opportunities and challenges for current developmental neuroscience. Theory and Psychology 26 (5), S. 620 - 631 (2016)
Teipel, S.; Raiser, T.; Riedl, L.; Riederer, I.; Schroeter, M. L.; Bisenius, S.; Schneider, A.; Kornhuber, J.; Fliessbach, K.; Spottke, A. et al.; Grothe, M. J.; Prudlo, J.; Kassubek, J.; Ludolph, A.; Landwehrmeyer, B.; Straub, S.; Otto, M.; Danek, A.; the FTLDc Study Group: Atrophy and structural covariance of the cholinergic basal forebrain in primary progressive aphasia. Cortex 83, S. 124 - 135 (2016)
Valk, S. L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Böckler, A.; Kanske, P.; Singer, T.: Substrates of metacognition on perception and metacognition on higher-order cognition relate to different subsystems of the mentalizing network. Human Brain Mapping 37 (10), S. 3388 - 3399 (2016)
Preckel, K.; Kanske, P.; Singer, T.; Paulus, F. M.; Krach, S.: Clinical trial of modulatory effects of oxytocin treatment on higher-order social cognition in autism spectrum disorder: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind and crossover trial. BMC Psychiatry 16, 329 (2016)
Gerasch, S.; Kanaan, A. S.; Jakubovski, E.; Müller-Vahl, K.: Aripiprazole improves associated comorbid conditions in addition to tics in adult patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Frontiers in Neuroscience 10, 416 (2016)
Trapp, S.; Kotz, S. A.: Predicting affective information: An evaluation of repetition suppression effects. Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1365 (2016)
Alderson-Day, B.; Diederen, K.; Fernyhough, C.; Ford, J. M.; Horga, G.; Margulies, D. S.; McCarthy-Jones, S.; Northoff, G.; Shine, J. M.; Turner, J. et al.; van de Ven, V.; van Lutterveld, R.; Waters, F.; Jardri, R.: Auditory hallucinations and the brain's resting-state networks: Findings and methodological observations. Schizophrenia Bulletin 42 (5), S. 1110 - 1123 (2016)
Fedele, T.; Blagovechtchenski, E.; Nazarova, M.; Iscan, Z.; Moiseeva, V.; Nikulin, V. V.: Long-range temporal correlations in the amplitude of alpha oscillations predict and reflect strength of intracortical facilitation: Combined TMS and EEG study. Neuroscience 331, S. 109 - 119 (2016)
Kappos, L.; Edan, G.; Freedman, M. S.; Montalbán, X.; Hartung, H.-P.; Hemmer, B.; Fox, E. J.; Barkhof, F.; Schippling, S.; Schulze, A. et al.; Pleimes, D.; Pohl, C.; Sandbrink, R.; Suarez, G.; Wicklein, E.-M.; BENEFIT Study Group; Villringer, A.: The 11-year long-term follow-up study from the randomized BENEFIT CIS trial. Neurology 87 (10), S. 978 - 987 (2016)
Accolla, E. A.; Ruiz, M. H.; Horn, A.; Schneider, G.-H.; Schmitz-Hübsch, T.; Draganski, B.; Kühn, A. A.: Brain networks modulated by subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. Brain 139 (9), S. 2503 - 2515 (2016)
Bornemann, B.; Kok, B. E.; Böckler, A.; Singer, T.: Helping from the heart: Voluntary upregulation of heart rate variability predicts altruistic behavior. Biological Psychology 119, S. 54 - 63 (2016)
Bzdok, D.; Hartwigsen, G.; Reid, A.; Laird, A. R.; Fox, P. T.; Eickhoff, S. B.: Left inferior parietal lobe engagement in social cognition and language. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 68, S. 319 - 334 (2016)
Daum, M. M.; Wronski, C.; Harms, A.; Gredebäck, G.: Action perception in infancy: The plasticity of 7-month-olds’ attention to grasping actions. Experimental Brain Research 234 (9), S. 2465 - 2478 (2016)
Frühholz, S.; Trost, W.; Kotz, S. A.: The sound of emotions: Towards a unifying neural network perspective of affective sound processing. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 68, S. 96 - 110 (2016)
Gampe, A.; Brauer, J.; Daum, M. M.: Imitation is beneficial for verb learning in toddlers. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 13 (5), S. 594 - 613 (2016)
García-García, I.; Kube, J.; Gaebler, M.; Horstmann, A.; Villringer, A.; Neumann, J.: Neural processing of negative emotional stimuli and the influence of age, sex and and task-related characteristics. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 68, S. 773 - 793 (2016)
Gundlach, C.; Müller, M. M.; Nierhaus, T.; Villringer, A.; Sehm, B.: Phasic modulation of human somatosensory perception by transcranially applied oscillating currents. Brain Stimulation 9 (5), S. 712 - 719 (2016)
Haueis, P.: The life of the cortical column: Opening the domain of functional architecture of the cortex (1955–1981). History and philosophy of the life sciences 38, 2 (2016)
Herrmann, B.; Henry, M.; Johnsrude, I. S.; Obleser, J.: Altered temporal dynamics of neural adaptation in the aging human auditory cortex. Neurobiology of Aging 45, S. 10 - 22 (2016)
Huys, Q. J. M.; Deserno, L.; Obermayer, K.; Schlagenhauf, F.; Heinz, A.: Model-free temporal-difference learning and dopamine in alcohol dependence: Examining concepts from theory and animals in human imaging. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 1 (5), S. 401 - 410 (2016)
Kanske, P.; Böckler, A.; Trautwein, F.-M.; Parianen Lesemann, F. H.; Singer, T.: Are strong empathizers better mentalizers?: Evidence for independence and interaction between the routes of social cognition. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11 (9), S. 1382 - 1392 (2016)
Sescousse, G.; Janssen, L.; Hashemi, M.; Timmer, M. H. M.; Guerts, D. E. M.; ter Huurne, N. P.; Clark, L.; Cools, R.: Amplified striatal responses to near-miss outcomes in pathological gamblers. Neuropsychopharmacology 41 (10), S. 2614 - 2623 (2016)
Taubert, M.; Stein, T.; Kreutzberg, T.; Stockinger, C.; Hecker, L.; Focke, A.; Ragert, P.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: Remote effects of non-invasive cerebellar stimulation on error processing in motor re-learning. Brain Stimulation 9 (5), S. 692 - 699 (2016)
van der Zwaag, W.; Schäfer, A.; Marques, J. P.; Turner, R.; Trampel, R.: Recent applications of UHF-MRI in the study of human brain function and structure: A review. NMR in Biomedicine 29 (9), S. 1274 - 1288 (2016)
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