Vortrag (239)

Sacher, J.: Geschlechtsspezifische Risikofaktoren für Schlaganfall. 10. Prophylaxe-Seminar des Kompetenznetzes Schlaganfall, Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany (2019)
Hartwigsen, G.: Flexible redistribution in the language network: A framework for network-based stimulation therapy in post-stroke aphasia. Precision Stimulation Medicine Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark (2019)
Garvert, M.: Representing structure knowledge for flexible cognition. Colloquium, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin (CCNB), FU Berlin, Germany (2019)
Witte, A. V.; Medawar, E.: Einfluss von Adipositas auf Struktur und Funktion des Gehirns: Hirnveränderungen nach bariatrischer Chirurgie?: Neuronale Korrelate beim Menschen. Forschungstage Bariatrie und Adipositas, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Fritz, T. H.: Music and sports: Optimizing physiological performance. 26th TAFISA World Congress 2019, Tokyo, Japan (2019)
Trettenbrein, P.: Was die Hände über das Gehirn verraten: Einblicke in die universellen kognitiven und neurobiologischen Grundlagen von Sprache. Vortragsreihe „Breaking the Silence“, Fachschaftsrat Humanmedizin der Universität Leipzig, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Doeller, C. F.: Science policies from YAE (Young Academy of Europe) to N2. N2 Event 2019 - From Research To Application, Umweltforum Berlin, Germany (2019)
Stahl, B.: Musik als Brücke zur Verständigung?: Neue Wege der Behandlung von Sprachstörungen nach einem Schlaganfall. Neurologie-Fachtagung, Zentrum für ambulante Rehabilitation, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Weiskopf, N.: Potential for new imaging biomarkers of neurodegeneration using ultra high fields and gradients. ESNR Advanced Course in Neurodegenerative Diseases, The Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière – ICM (Brain & Spine Institute), Paris, France (2019)
Bellmund, J.: Investigating enthorinal maps for human memory using VR and fMRI. Colloquium, MindBrainBody Institute, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (2019)
Sacher, J.: The why, when and how to consider sex and sex hormones when imaging the human brain in health and pathology. Amsterdam Brain and Cognition (ABC) Colloquium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2019)
Schreiner, M. S.; Beyer, F.; Paul, M.: A hands-on introduction to preregistration. Workshop , Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Fritz, T. H.: Musik und Demenz, Neurologie und therapeutische Anwendung. Fachtagung Musik und Demenz, Hamburg, Germany (2019)
Fritz, T. H.: Innovative Methoden in der Rehabilitation: Musikfeedback. Invited Talk, RehaClinic, Bad Zurzach (2019)
Julian, J. B.: Grid-cell-like representations of visual space in human entorhinal cortex. Neuroscience 2019 – 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Chicago, IL, USA (2019)
Knösche, T. R.: Canonical microcircuits - Exploring the building blocks of cognition using neural mass models. Workshop "Neuroimaging in Psychedelics – What we can learn from EEG and fMRI Studies", Prague, Czech Republic (2019)
Doeller, C. F.: Structuring experience in cognitive spaces. Opening Conference "Cognitive Behavior of Humans, Animals, and Machines: Situation Model Perspectives", Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany (2019)
Fritz, T. H.: Neural and behavioral modification through music. Max Planck Society Mental Health Awareness Week, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany (2019)
Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Does cognitive dissonance emerge together with a self-concept? Workshop "The Development of Self and Other", Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2019)
Fritz, T. H.: Neural and behavioral modification through music. Max Planck Society Mental Health Awareness Week, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany (2019)
Garvert, M.: Representing structure knowledge for flexible cognition. Colloquium series ZiF research group 'Cognitive behavior of humans, animals and machines: Situation model perspectives' 2019, University of Bielefeld, Germany (2019)
Doeller, C. F.: Grid-like coding and context memory. Annual Meeting of the Memory Disorders Research Society (MDRS), Columbia University, New York City, NY (2019)
Nikulin, V. V.: Clinical and neurotechnological aspects of neural dynamics in EEG/MEG recordings. Brain-Computer Interface: Science and Practice Conference, Samara, Russia (2019)
Fritz, T. H.: Neural and behavioral modification through music. Invited Talk at Parmenides Foundation, Pullach, Germany (2019)
Bellmund, J. L. S.: Entorhinal maps for human memory. Colloquium, Center of Brain, Behavior and Metabolism, University of Lübeck, Germany (2019)
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