Lehrmaterial (1162)

Böckler, A.: Forschungsmethoden, Evaluation und Metaanalyse [Research methods, evaluation, and metaanalyses]. Vorlesung: Lecture, University of Leipzig, Germany, 01. April 2015 - 30. September 2015
Gunter, T. C.; Männel, C.: Begleitseminar Wahrnehmung & Psychophysik. Vorlesung: Modul 11-PSY-11004, University of Leipzig, Germany, 15. April 2015 - 15. Juli 2015
Lepsien, J.; Gundlach, C.; Maess, B.; Gunter, T. C.: Methoden der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften. Vorlesung: Vorlesung, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2015-04 - 2015-09
Lepsien, J.; Mueller, K.: Datenanalyse in der Magnetresonanztomographie. Vorlesung: Seminar, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2015-04 - 2015-09
Männel, C.: Wahrnehmung und Psychophysik. Vorlesung: Seminar B.Sc. Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 01. April 2015 - 30. September 2015
Möller, H. E.: Methods and concepts for fMRI of the human brain. Vorlesung: 17th Educational Course of the German Chapter of ISMRM - Doktorandentraining, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 13. April 2015 - 15. April 2015
Mueller, K.; Schroeter, M.: Seminar Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. Vorlesung: Seminar, Day Clinic of Cognitive Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2015-04 - 2015-07
Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.; Lepsien, J.; Mueller, K.: Forschungsfragen der klinischen Neuropsychologie. Vorlesung: Seminar, Clinic of Cognitive Neurology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2015-04 - 2015-09
Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: fMRI at and above 7T - Impact of field strength. Vorlesung: Lecture in the context of the 17th educational course of the German chapter of ISMRM-Doktorandentraining „Methods and concepts for fMRI of the human brain“, Leipzig, Germany, 13. April 2015 - 15. April 2015
Vrticka, P.: Bindungstheorie und -forschung [Attachment theory and research]. Vorlesung: Seminar, Department of Life-Span Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 01. April 2015 - 30. September 2015
Vrticka, P.: Angewandte Bindungstheorie 2 [Applied attachment theory 2]. Vorlesung: Lecture, Department of Life-Span Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 01. April 2015 - 30. September 2015
Jescheniak, J. D.; Mädebach, A.; Männel, C.; Sammler, D.: Empiriepraktikum I (Empirical-experimental training I). B.Sc. Psychology. Vorlesung: Seminar, University of Leipzig, Germany, 01. Oktober 2014 - 31. März 2015
Kanske, P.: Emotion and emotion regulation. Vorlesung: Lecture presented at the International Max Planck Research School on Neuroscience of Communication: Social Cognition and Emotions., Max Planck Institute für Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 09. März 2015
Singer, T.: When socio-affective neuroscience meets decision sciences: The puzzle of understanding and cooparting with others. Vorlesung: Block Seminar, Humboldt University and Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin, Germany, 03. März 2015 - 06. März 2015
Margulies, D. S.: Seminar on visualizing the connectome. Vorlesung: Lecture, Free University Berlin, Germany, 20. Februar 2015
Kok, B. E.: Statistical models: Selection and application. Vorlesung: Block Seminar (Master's Program), Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, 31. Januar 2015 - 14. Februar 2015
Singer, T.: Social neuroscience and neuroeconomics. Vorlesung: Mini-Course (Graduate Level), Department of Economics, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 26. Januar 2015 - 28. Januar 2015
Margulies, D. S.; Anwander, A.; Lohmann, G.; Jakobsen, E.; Knösche, T. R.; Maess, B.; Grigutsch, M.; Mueller, K.; Eickhoff, S.; Schüz, A. et al.; Klados, M.: IMPRS NeuroCom advanced lecture on connectivity. Vorlesung: Lecture, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 19. Januar 2015 - 21. Januar 2015
Mueller, K.: Tutor in problem-based learning: Acute and emergency medicine (Akut- und Notfallmedizin). Vorlesung: Lecture Group 19, Faculty of Medicine, University of Leipzig, Germany, 13. Januar 2015 - 06. Februar 2015
Knösche, T. R.: Dynamic modeling of EEG and MEG. Vorlesung: Introduction to Neuroscience, TU Ilmenau, Germany, 05. Januar 2015 - 19. Januar 2015
Knösche, T. R.: Dynamic modeling of EEG and MEG. Vorlesung: Introduction to Neuroscience, TU Ilmenau, Germany, 04. Januar 2015 - 18. Januar 2015
Friederici, A. D.: Research at the neuropsychology department: Language and brain. Vorlesung: Lecture for doctoral students of the European Masters in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL) of the University of Potsdam, Germany, Max Planck Institute for Human and Cognitive Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 31. März 2015
Jescheniak, J. D.; Sammler, D.: Seminar Kognitionspsychologie II - Denken und Sprache (Cognitive Psychology II - Thought and Language). Vorlesung: B.Sc. Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 01. April 2015 - 30. September 2015
Jescheniak, J. D.; Sammler, D.: Seminar Einführung in die Psychologie (Introduction to Psychology). Vorlesung: B.Sc. Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 01. Oktober 2015 - 31. März 2016
Margulies, D. S.: Introduction to connectivity. Vorlesung: IMPRS NeuroCom Lecture, Leipzig, Germany, 19. Januar 2015 - 21. Januar 2015
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