Vortrag (3624)

Singer, T.: Trainierbarkeit des sozialen Gehirns: Von Stressreduktion zu mehr Mitgefühl und Kooperation. 15-jähriges Jubiläum des Hertie-Institut für Klinische Hirnforschung, Tübingen, Germany (2016)
Berkers, R.: Modulatory influences on neural learning systems and long-term memory formation. Institute Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Cognition & Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2016)
Janssen, L.: Motivational and cognitive control in the face of food. Guest Lecture, Comparative Psychology, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany (2016)
Singer, T.: Das ReSource Project: Trainierbarkeit des sozialen Gehirns: Von Stressreduktion zu mehr Mitgefühl und Kooperation. Meditation und Wissenschaft - Interdisziplinärer Kongress zu Meditations- und Bewusstseinsforschung., Berlin, Germany (2016)
Weiskopf, N.: Characterizing brain microstructure using MRI – Towards in-vivo histology (hMRI). Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2016)
Singer, T.: Affektive und kognitive Routen des sozialen Gehirns in Plastizität und Psychopathologie. DGPPN Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, Berlin, Germany (2016)
Sacher, J.: In vivo dynamics of the human hippocampus across the menstrual cycle. Society in Science Symposium, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland (2016)
Fritz, T. H.: Music as communication from the cognitive science perspective. Society for Ethnomusicology 61st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2016)
Singer, T.: Plasticity of the social brain: From training the mind and heart to a caring society. "Compassion in Practice Continuing Education Course" at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (2016)
Sammler, D.: Motor planning in expert pianists: The special role of musical syntax. Ringvorlesung "Systemat­ic Musicolo­gy: Percep­tion and Cognition of Music", Dresden Music Cognition Lab, TU Dresden, Germany (2016)
Singer, T.: From training your brain and mind towards a more caring society: Effects of mental training on brain, well-being, health, and cooperation. Brown University, Providence, RI, USA (2016)
Singer, T.: Plasticity of the social brain: Differential effects of different types of mental trainings on attention, compassion, stress, brain, and prosocial behavior. Center for Mindfulness and Compassion, Somerville, MA, USA (2016)
Singer, T.: From training your brain and mind towards a more caring society: Effects on mental training on brain, well-being, health, and cooperation. Center for Mindfulness, Worcester, MA, US (2016)
Piai, V.; Meyer, L.; Dronkers, N. F.; Knight, R. T.: Neuroplasticity of language in left-hemisphere stroke: Evidence linking subsecond electrophysiology and structural connectivity. Academy of Aphasia 54. Annual Meeting, Llandudno (2016)
Skeide, M. A.: Neurobiological origins of comorbid deficits in literacy and numeracy. Meeting, Stanford University, CA, USA (2016)
Singer, T.: Trainierbarkeit des sozialen Gehirns: Von Stressreduktion zu mehr Mitgefühl und Kooperation. Mindsight Kongress, Berlin, Germany (2016)
Singer, T.: Plastizität des sozialen Gehirns: Vom Trainieren des Geistes und des Herzens zu einer fürsorglicheren Gesellschaft. Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e. V. (IASS), Potsdam, Germany (2016)
Meyer, L.: Chunk, store, and integrate: Neural oscillations during sentence comprehension. 20th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Seoul (2016)
Knösche, T. R.: Reconstruction of the structural brain connectome using. Workshop “EEG Theory and Applications”, Reykjavik, Iceland (2016)
Weiskopf, N.: Characterising brain tissue microstructure using quantitative MRI - Towards in-vivo histology. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Lenich, T.; Pampel, A.; Kranz, A.; Möller, H. E.: Towards high-resolution mapping of lactate via NOE. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Vienna, Austria (2016)
Metere, R.; Schäfer, A.; Möller, H. E.: Bias in quantitative MRI from misregistration effects and noise. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Vienna, Austria (2016)
Weiskopf, N.: Characterizing brain microstructure using magnetic resonance imaging - Towards in-vivo histology. 114. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG), Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany (2016)
Khalil, A.; Kirilina, E.; Nierhaus, T.; Villringer, K.; Villringer, A.; Fiebach, J.: Independent component analysis of resting-state hemodynamics in acute stroke: A new approach for identifying hypoperfusion. ESMRMB 2016 Conference, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Friederici, A. D.: The neural basis of language development. 50th Conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs). Symposium on the occasion of the opening of the Leipzig Research Center for Early Child Development (LFE), University of Leipzig, Germany (2016)
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