Book Chapter (70)

Book Chapter
Koelsch, S.; Fritz, T. H.: Musik verstehen: Eine neurowissenschaftliche Perspektive. In: Neuronen im Gespräch, pp. 69 - 97 (Eds. Fink, H.; Rosenzweig, R.). Mentis, Paderborn (2008)
Book Chapter
Aschersleben, G.; Daum, M. M.: Frühe Ontogenese der Handlungskontrolle. In: Kognitive Psychologie: Ausgewählte Grundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele ; Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Karl Wender, pp. 31 - 44 (Eds. Rey, G. D.; Wehr, T.). Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich [] (2008)
Book Chapter
Böcker, M.; Schroeter, M. L.: Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (NIRS). In: Handbuch der Neuro- und Biopsychologie, pp. 211 - 219 (Eds. Gauggel, S.; Herrmann, M.). Hogrefe, Göttingen (2008)
Book Chapter
Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I.; Choudhary, K. K.; Witzlack-Makarevich, A.; Bickel, B.: Bridging the gap between processing preferences and typological distributions: Initial evidence from the online comprehension of control constructions in Hindi. In: Scales, Vol. Linguistische Arbeitsberichte, pp. 397 - 436 (Eds. Richards, M.; Malchukov, A. L.). Institut für Linguistik, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig (2008)
Book Chapter
Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I.; Schlesewsky, M.: Unmarked transitivity: A processing constraint on linking. In: Investigations of the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface, pp. 413 - 434 (Eds. Valin, V.; D., R.). John Benjamins, Amsterdam (2008)
Book Chapter
Brass, M.; Derrfuss, J.; von Cramon, D. Y.: The role of the posterior frontolateral cortex in task-related control. In: Neuroscience of rule-guided behavior, pp. 177 - 196 (Eds. Bunge, S. A.; Wallis, J. D.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008)
Book Chapter
Brass, M.; Spengler, S.: The inhibition of imitative behavior and attribution of mental states. In: Social cognition: Development, neuroscience and autism, pp. 52 - 66 (Eds. Striano, T.; Reid, V. M.). Blackwell, Oxford (2008)
Book Chapter
Brass, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.: How motor-related is cognitive control? In: Sensorimotor foundations of higher cognition, pp. 101 - 120 (Eds. Haggard, P.; Rossetti, Y.; Kawato, M.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008)
Book Chapter
Csibra, G.; Kushnerenko, E.; Grossmann, T.: Electrophysiological methods in studying infant cognitive development. In: Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (2nd Edition), pp. 247 - 262 (Eds. Nelson, C. A.; Luciana, M.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2008)
Book Chapter
Daum, M. M.; Rauch, J.; Wilkening, F.: Intuitive physics: Naive concepts about the ball's inertia in professional football players. In: Myths and facts about football: The economics and psychology of the world's greatest sport, pp. 39 - 60 (Eds. Andersson, P.; Ayton, P.; Schmidt, C.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne (2008)
Book Chapter
Daum, M. M.; Zmyj, N.; Aschersleben, G.: Early ontogeny of action perception and production. In: Enacting intersubjectivity: A cognitive and social perspective to the study of interactions, pp. 175 - 186 (Eds. Morganti, F.; Carassa, A.; Riva, G.). IOS Press, Amsterdam (2008)
Book Chapter
Friederici, A. D.: Brain correlates of language processing during the first years of life. In: Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, pp. 117 - 126 (Eds. Nelson, C. A.; Luciana, M.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA [] (2008)
Book Chapter
Friederici, A. D.: Gehirnkorrelate sprachlicher Verarbeitungsprozesse in den ersten Lebensjahren. In: Neuronen im Gespräch - Sprache und Gehirn, pp. 185 - 206 (Eds. Fink, H.; Rosenzweig, R.). Mentis Verlag GmbH, Paderborn (2008)
Book Chapter
Friederici, A. D.: Marqueurs neurophysiologiques de l'acquisition précoce du langage: des syllables aux éconcés. In: Apprentissage des langues premieres et secondes, pp. 79 - 100 (Eds. Kail, M.; Fayol, M.; Hickmann, M.). CNRS Editions, Paris (2008)
Book Chapter
Friederici, A. D.: Sprache, Musik und Mathematik. In: Was ist der Mensch?, pp. 84 - 85 (Eds. Ganten, D.; Heilinger, J.-C.; Nida-Rümelin, J.). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York (2008)
Book Chapter
Friederici, A. D.: Sprache und Gehirn. In: Institut für Deutsche Sprache Jahrbuch 2007, Sprache-Kognition-Kultur. Sprache zwischen mentaler Struktur und kultureller Prägung, pp. 51 - 72 (Eds. Kämper, H.; Eichinger, L. M.). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (2008)
Book Chapter
Friederici, A. D.; Oberecker, R.: The development of syntactic brain correlates during the first years of life. In: Early language development: Bridging brain and behaviour, Vol. Trends in language acquisition research (TiLAR), pp. 215 - 231 (Eds. Friederici, A. D.; Thierry, G.). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia (2008)
Book Chapter
Friederici, A. D.; Rüschemeyer, S.-A.: Gehirn und Spracherwerb: Biologische und kulturelle Implikationen. In: Neurolinguistik. Zeitschrift für Aphasieforschung und -therapie, Vol. 22, pp. 114 - 132 (Eds. Blanken, G.; Ziegler, W.). Hochschulverlag, Mainz (2008)
Book Chapter
Friedrich, M.: Neurophysiological correlates of picture-word priming in one-year-olds. In: Early language development: Bridging brain and behaviour, pp. 137 - 160 (Eds. Friederici, A. D.; Thierry, G.). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam [et al.] (2008)
Book Chapter
Frisch, S.; Kotz, S. A.; Friederici, A. D.: Neural correlates of normal and pathological language processing. In: The Handbook of Clinical Linguistics, pp. 245 - 260 (Eds. Ball, M. J.; Perkins, M.; Müller, N.; Howard, S.). Blackwell Publishing, Malden (2008)
Book Chapter
Goschke, T.; Linser, K.; Wendt-Kürschner, J.: Wille und Bewusstsein oder kann Bewusstsein Verhalten verursachen? In: Willenshandlungen: Zur Natur und Kultur der Selbststeuerung, pp. 40 - 66 (Ed. Vierkant, T.). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/Main (2008)
Book Chapter
Grafton, S. T.; Cross, E. S.: Dance and the brain. In: Learning, arts and the brain: The Dana Consortium Report on arts and cognition, pp. 61 - 68 (Eds. Asbury, C.; Rich, B.). Dana Press, New York (2008)
Book Chapter
Grossmann, T.; Vaish, A.: Reading faces in infancy: Developing a multi-level analysis of a social stimulus. In: Social Cognition: Development, Neuroscience and Autism, pp. 167 - 180 (Eds. Striano, T.; Reid, V. M.). Wiley, New York (2008)
Book Chapter
Hoehl, S.: The perception of emotional expressions in infancy. In: Social cognition: Development, neuroscience, and autism, pp. 181 - 196 (Eds. Striano, T.; Reid, V. M.). Blackwell, Oxford (2008)
Book Chapter
Hoehl, S.; Striano, T.: Kommunikation und Interaktion in der Entwicklung – Wie beeinflussen soziale Reize das frühkindliche Lernen? In: Neuronen im Gespräch – Sprache und Gehirn (Eds. Rosenzweig, R.; Fink, H.). Mentis, Paderborn (accepted)
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