

Akademische Ausbildung

1991 - 1996
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Diploma degree in electrical engineering.

1995 - 2000
INSA Lyon Scientific and Technical University of Lyon, France
Creatis Research Unit (headed by Isabelle MAGNIN ).
MSc (DEA) and Ph.D. in signal and image processing.
Model based segmentation of color images.


2000 - 2006
Research Scientist at the MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
Department of Neuropsychology, Group: MEG and EEG: Signal Analysis and Modelling (headed by Dr Burkhard Maess).
FEM based EEG/MEG source localization.

2006 - 2011
Research Scientist at the MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
Group: Cortical Networks and Cognitive Functions (headed by Prof. Dr. Thomas Knösche).
Quantitative brain connectivity from diffusion MRI.

seit 2012
Research Scientist at the MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
Department of Neuropsychology (headed by Prof. Dr. Angela D. Friederici).
Diffusion MRI as biomarker of brain development and plasticity.

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