Publikationen von Peter E. Keller

Vortrag (84)

Keller, P. E.: Individual differences in musical entrainment. Workshop on Entrainment, Joint Action, and Ensemble, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom (2009)
Keller, P. E.: The cognitive underpinnings of interpersonal coordination in musical contexts. Halle/Saale (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Real-time anticipatory mechanisms in interpersonal temporal coordination. Workshop on Synchronization in Music and Speech, Brussels, Belgium (2009)
Fairhurst, M. T.; Anwander, A.; Repp, B. H.; Keller, P. E.: The effect of musical experience on error correction and correlated white matter adaptions. British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), University College London, UK (2009)
Keller, P. E.; Dalla Bella, S.; Koch, I.: How movement timing and kinematics are shaped by spatial attributes of pitch during musical sequences production. 4th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rom, Italy (2009)
Fairhurst, M. T.; Anwander, A.; Keller, P. E.: The effect of musical experience on sensorimotor synchronization and correlated white matter adaptations. British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2009 (BACN 2009), London, United Kingdom (2009)
Keller, P. E.; Weber, A.; Engel, A.: Musical improvisation and imitation: What is the difference? 7th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), Finland (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Music cognition, action, and human interaction. Sydney (2009)
Keller, P. E.: What force control reveals about cognitive processes in music performance. Australia (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Music cognition, action, and human interaction. Keynote lecture - 10-year celebration, Sydney, Australia (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Timing and force control in musical improvisation. 12th International Workshop on Rhythm Perception and Production, Lille, France (2009)
Pecenka, N.; Keller, P. E.: Auditory imagery ability in pitch and time and its relationship to sensorimotor synchronization. 12. Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop, France (2009)
Repp, B. H.; London, J.; Keller, P. E.: Detecting versus reacting to timing pertubations in two-interval rhythms of varying complexity. 12th International Workshop on Rhythm Perception and Production, France (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Anticipatory imagery and adaptive timing in musical coordination. ESF Exploratory Workshop on Music and the Brain: New Perspektives for Stimulating Cognitive and Sensory Processes, Gdansk, Poland (2009)
Pecenka, N.; Keller, P. E.: Die Beziehung zwischen auditorischem Vorstellungsvermögen und musikalischer Synchronisationsfähigkeit bei Musikern. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender PsychologInnen, Germany (2009)
Engel, A.; Keller, P. E.: Neuronale Korrelate des Hörens von improvisierten und imitierten Melodien. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Deutschland (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Cognitive processes in real-time musical coordination. Manchester (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Cognitive and motor processes in real-time musical coordination. UK (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Interpersonal coordination in musical groups. Leipzig (2009)
Keller, P. E.: Music cognition, action, and human interaction: Current perspectives and future directions. Hannover (2009)

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