junge Studienteinehmerin am MRT

Publikationen von Ralph Schurade

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Böttger, J.; Schurade, R.; Jakobsen, E.; Schäfer, A.; Margulies, D. S.: Connexel visualization: A software implementation of glyphs and edge-bundling for dense connectivity data using brainGL. Frontiers in Neuroscience 8, 15 (2014)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Schurade, R.; Hlawitschka, M.; Hamann, B.; Scheuermann, G.; Knösche, T. R.; Anwander, A.: Visualizing white matter fiber tracts with optimally fitted curved dissection surfaces. Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine Dirk Bartz, Charl Botha, Joachim Hornegger and Raghu Machiraju (Editors), (2010)

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Heuer, K.; Schurade, R.; Böttger, J.; Margulies, D. S.; Knösche, T. R.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: Browsing the connectome: 3D functional and structural brain networks in the cloud. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Moreno-Dominguez, D.; Anwander, A.; Schurade, R.; Knösche, T. R.: Connectivity-based whole-brain hierarchical parcellation of the human brain. In . 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, QC, Canada, 26. Juni 2011 - 30. Juni 2011. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Moreno-Dominguez, D.; Anwander, A.; Schurade, R.; Knösche, T. R.: Connectivity-based whole-brain hierarchical parcellation of the human brain. In . CONNECT MEETING: MRI of Brain Micro-structure and Connectivity, Tel Aviv, Israel, 01. Februar 2011 - 03. Februar 2011. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Anwander, A.; Schurade, R.; Hlawitschka, M.; Scheuermann, G.; Knösche, T. R.: White matter imaging with virtual klingler dissection. In NeuroImage, 47 (Supplement 1), S. S105. (2009)

Vortrag (1)

Böttger, J.; Schurade, R.; Margulies, D. S.: Functional connectivity glyphs for brain visualization. 3rd International Workshop on Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences (VMLS 2013), Leipzig, Germany (2013)

Poster (7)

Heuer, K.; Schurade, R.; Böttger, J.; Margulies, D. S.; Knösche, T. R.; Friederici, A. D.; Anwander, A.: Browsing the connectome: 3D functional and structural brainnetworks in the cloud. 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany (2014)
Böttger, J.; Schäfer, A.; Lohmann, G.; Schurade, R.; Villringer, A.; Margulies, D. S.: Three-dimensional mean-shift edge-bundling for the visualization of functional connectivity. 3rd Biennial Conference on Resting State Brain Connectivity, Magdeburg, Germany (2012)
Böttger, J.; Schäfer, A.; Lohmann, G.; Schurade, R.; Villringer, A.; Margulies, D. S.: Three-dimensional mean-shift edge-bundling for the visualization of functional connectivity. Brainhack 2012, Max Plank Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2012)
Böttger, J.; Schäfer, A.; Lohmann, G.; Schurade, R.; Villringer, A.; Margulies, D. S.: Three-dimensional force-directed edge-bundling of functional connectivity. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China (2012)
Moreno-Dominguez, D.; Anwander, A.; Schurade, R.; Knösche, T. R.: Connectivity-based whole-brain hierarchical parcellation of the human brain. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, QC, Canada (2011)
Moreno-Dominguez, D.; Anwander, A.; Schurade, R.; Knösche, T. R.: Connectivity-based whole-brain hierarchical parcellation of the human brain. CONNECT MEETING: MRI of Brain Micro-structure and Connectivity, Tel Aviv, Israel (2011)
Anwander, A.; Schurade, R.; Hlawitschka, M.; Scheuermann, G.; Knösche, T. R.: White matter imaging with virtual klingler dissection. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)

Hochschulschrift (1)

Schurade, R.: Visualisierung von Nervenfaserflächen im menschlichen Gehirn aus DTI Daten. University of Leipzig, Germany (2009)

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