Publikationen von Claudia Barth

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Barth, C.: Exploring structural and functional brain dynamics across the menstrual cycle. Dissertation, III, 82 S., Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig (2017)

Preprint (3)

Zsido, R.; Williams, A. N.; Barth, C.; Serio, B.; Kurth, L.; Beyer, F.; Witte, A. V.; Villringer, A.; Sacher, J.: Longitudinal 7T MRI reveals volumetric changes in subregions of human medial temporal lobe to sex hormone fluctuations. bioRxiv (2022)
de Lange, A.-M.; Barth, C.; Kaufmann, T.; Maximov, I. I.; van der Meer, D.; Agartz, I.; Westlye, L. T.: Cumulative estrogen exposure, APOE genotype, and women’s brain aging: A population-based neuroimaging study. bioRxiv (2019)
Barth, C.; Lonning, V.; Gurholt, T. P.; Andreassen, O. A.; Myhre, A. M.; Agartz, I.: Impact of second-generation antipsychotics on white matter microstructure in adolescent-onset psychosis. bioRxiv (2019)

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