
Poster (3973)

Gaab, N.; Schulze, K.; Ozdemir, E.; Schlaug, E.: Extensive activation of occipital and parietal cortex in a blind absolute pitch musician. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Huber, S.; Schlottmann, A.; Daum, M. M.: Judged versus perceived causality in purely visual and action-outcome sequences. 5th international conference on thinking (ICT 2004), Leuven, The Netherlands (2004)
Wriessnegger, S.: Temporal dynamics of visual information processing in metacontrast masking. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Bach, P.; Gunter, T. C.; Knoblich, G.; Prinz, W.: Spatial and functional integration in action comprehension: An ERP-study. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, USA (2004)
Heim, S.; Stolterfoht, B.; Gunter, T. C.; Alter, K.: Focus on focus: An ERP study on the processing of default and shifted accents in German. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Koester, D.; Gunter, T. C.; Friederici, A. D.: When prosody and morphology interact: Electrophysiological evidence from German compond comprehension. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, USA (2004)
Buhlmann, I.; Wascher, E.: The processing of an intentional pre-cue in Simon tasks: Evidence for a perceptual influence. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Gunter, T. C.; Bach, P.: Emblem priming during a crossmodal language processing task: ERP-evidence. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Wolfensteller, U.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Arbitrary motor significance overrides attentional modulation of premotor activation during encoding of visual sequences – An fMRI study. 11th Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco,CA, USA (2004)
Bach, P.: Spatial and functional relations in action comprehension: ERP-evidence for dissociable processes. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Kiss, M.; Wolber, M.; Wascher, E.: Target and distractor processing in preview search. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Singer, T.: Feeling someone else's pain: Neural basis for empathic experience. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Kunde, W.; Weigelt, M.: Zielsymmetrie bei beidhändigen Objektmanipulationen. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Gießen (2004)
Weigelt, M.; Rieger, M.; Mechsner, F.; Prinz, W.: Target-related coordination underlies the control of bimanual actions. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Mechsner, F.: Die Rolle kinästhetischer Antizipationen und Wahrnehmungen bei der bimanuellen Koordination. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Gießen (2004)
Schankin, A.; Wascher, E.: Die Rolle der Aufmerksamkeit für die bewusste Entdeckung von Veränderungen im Change Blindness Paradigma. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Gießen (2004)
Weigelt, M.; Danek, A.; Rieger, M.; Mechsner, F.; Prinz, W.: Target-related coordination underlies the control of bimanual actions: Evidence from healthy participants and patients with congenital mirror-movements. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Gießen (2004)
Neumann, J.; Lohmann, G.; Derrfuss, J.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Using replicator dynamics for the meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging data. 11th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2004)
Sebanz, N.: Action control in social context. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2004)
Bosbach, S.; Prinz, W.; Kerzel, D.: Bewegungsbasierte Kompatibilitätseffekte in Einfachreaktionsaufgaben. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Gießen (2004)
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