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Journal Article (143)

Journal Article
Puhlmann, L. M.; Vrticka, P.; Linz, R.; Valk, S. L.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.: Serum BDNF increase after 9-month contemplative mental training is associated with decreased cortisol secretion and increased dentate gyrus volume: Evidence from a randomized clinical trial. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science 5 (2), 100414 (2025)
Journal Article
Valk, S. L.; Engert, V.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Linz, R.; Caldairou, B.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Singer, T.: Differential increase of hippocampal subfield volume after socio-affective mental training relates to reductions in diurnal cortisol. eLife 12, RP87634 (2024)
Journal Article
Gallistl, M.; Linz, R.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Singer, T.; Engert, V.: Evidence for differential associations of distinct trait mindfulness facets with acute and chronic stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology 166, 107051 (2024)
Journal Article
O'Malley, B.; Linz, R.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.: Testing the monitor and acceptance theory: The role of training-induced changes in monitoring- and acceptance-related capacities after attention-based, socio-emotional, or socio-cognitive mental training in reducing cortisol stress reactivity. Stress 27, 2345906 (2024)
Journal Article
Valk, S. L.; Kanske, P.; Park, B.-y.; Hong, S.-J.; Böckler, A.; Trautwein, F.-M.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Singer, T.: Functional and microstructural plasticity following social and interoceptive mental training. eLife 12, e85188 (2023)
Journal Article
Degering, M.; Linz, R.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Singer, T.; Engert, V.: Revisiting the stress recovery hypothesis: Differential associations of cortisol stress reactivity and recovery after acute psychosocial stress with markers of long-term stress and health. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health 28, 100598 (2023)
Journal Article
Engert, V.; Hoehne, K.; Singer, T.: Specific reduction in the cortisol awakening response after socio-affective mental training. Mindfulness 14, pp. 681 - 694 (2023)
Journal Article
Blasberg, J. U.; Kanske, P.; Böckler, A.; Trautwein, F.-M.; Singer, T.; Engert, V.: Associations of social processing abilities with psychosocial stress sensitivity. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology 12, 100159 (2022)
Journal Article
Linz, R.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.: Investigating the impact of distinct contemplative mental trainings on daily life stress, thoughts and affect: Evidence from a nine-month longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study. Psychoneuroendocrinology 142, 105800 (2022)
Journal Article
Böckler, A.; Singer, T.: Longitudinal evidence for differential plasticity of cognitive functions: Mindfulness-based mental training enhances working memory, but not perceptual discrimination, response inhibition, and metacognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (7), pp. 1573 - 1590 (2022)
Journal Article
Hoehne, K.; Vrticka, P.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.: Plasma oxytocin is modulated by mental training, but does not mediate its stress-buffering effect. Psychoneuroendocrinology 141, 105734 (2022)
Journal Article
Mayer, A. V.; Preckel, K.; Ihle, K.; Piecha, F. A.; Junghanns, K.; Reiche, S.; Rademacher, L.; Müller-Pinzler, L.; Stolz, D. S.; Kamp-Becker, I. et al.; Stroth, S.; Roepke, S.; Küpper, C.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.; Kanske, P.; Paulus, F. M.; Krach, S.: Assessment of reward-related brain function after a single-dose of oxytocin in autism: A randomized controlled trial. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science 2 (2), pp. 136 - 146 (2022)
Journal Article
Puhlmann, L. M.; Vrticka, P.; Linz, R.; Stalder, T.; Kirschbaum, C.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.: Contemplative mental training reduces hair glucocorticoid levels in a randomized clinical trial. Psychosomatic Medicine 83 (8), pp. 894 - 905 (2021)
Journal Article
Favre, P.; Kanske, P.; Engen, H. G.; Singer, T.: Decreased emotional reactivity after 3-month socio-affective but not attention- or meta-cognitive-based mental training: A randomized, controlled, longitudinal fMRI study. NeuroImage 237, 118132 (2021)
Journal Article
Puhlmann, L. M.; Linz, R.; Valk, S. L.; Vrticka, P.; Vos de Wael, R.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Caldairou, B.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P. et al.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Singer, T.; Engert, V.: Association between hippocampal structure and serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in healthy adults: A registered report. NeuroImage 236, 118011 (2021)
Journal Article
Tholen, M.; Trautwein, F.-M.; Böckler, A.; Singer, T.; Kanske, P.: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) item analysis of empathy and theory of mind. Human Brain Mapping 41 (10), pp. 2611 - 2628 (2020)
Journal Article
Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Friederici, A. D.; Singer, T.; Steinbeis, N.: Two systems for thinking about others' thoughts in the developing brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (12), pp. 6928 - 6935 (2020)
Journal Article
Puhlmann, L. M.; Engert, V.; Apostolakou, F.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P.; Vrticka, P.; Singer, T.: Only vulnerable adults show change in chronic low-grade inflammation after contemplative mental training: Evidence randomized clinical trial. Scientific Reports 9, 19323 (2019)
Journal Article
Hildebrandt, L. K.; McCall, C.; Singer, T.: Socioaffective versus sociocognitive mental trainings differentially affect emotion regulation strategies. Emotion 19 (8), pp. 1329 - 1342 (2019)
Journal Article
Puhlmann, L. M.; Valk, S. L.; Engert, V.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Lin, J.; Epel, E. S.; Vrticka, P.; Singer, T.: Association of short-term change in leukocyte telomere length with cortical thickness change and outcomes of mental training among healthy adults: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open 2 (9), e199687 (2019)
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