Publikationen von Tania Singer

Vortrag (115)

Singer, T.: From training your brain and mind towards a more caring society: Effects on mental training on brain, wellbeing, health and cooperation. Novartis, Basel, Switzerland (2015)
Singer, T.: Plasticity of the social brain: From training the mind and heart to a caring society. 4th Annual Lecture in Cognitive Science, University of Vienna, Austria (2015)
Singer, T.: Empathy is not compassion: Showing evidence for differences in their neuronal and experiential signatures as well as their plasticity. International Convention for Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2015)
Singer, T.: From homo economicus towards a computational model of caring economics: How motivation determines decision making and cooperation. International Convention for Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2015)
Singer, T.: Lessons from the ReSource project: Training attention, compassion and perspective taking. International Convention for Psychological Science (ICPS), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2015)
Singer, T.: Führung in Zeiten wachsender Komplexität - Ansätze aus dem ReSource Projekt. LEAD, Leadership Symposium, Berlin, Germany (2015)
Singer, T.: The emergence of contemplative neurosciences: From brain plasticity to a caring society/economics. Towards an Ecology of Life and Mind: Bridging Being and Doing in Shifting Times, Berlin, Germany (2015)
Singer, T.: Neuroscience of compassion. World Economic Forum (WEF), Davos, Switzerland (2015)
Singer, T.: Prosocial emotions in social neuroscience: From empathy to compassion and their plasticity. LeWeb, Paris, France (2014)
Singer, T.: Training mind and heart: Integrating first- and third-person methods in the study of behavioral and brain plasticity. DEC Colloquium, École Normale Superieure (ENS), Paris, France (2014)
Böckler, A.; Tusche, A.; Singer, T.: Changing for the better: Effects of specific training modules on different sub-components of prosociality. International Symposium for Contemplative Studies (ISCS) of the Mind & Life Institute, Boston, MA, USA (2014)
Singer, T.: Compassion Training – Inhalte und Ergebnisse aus dem Resource Project. MBSR-MBCT Konferenz, Leipzig, Germany (2014)
Singer, T.: Insides from social neurosciences: From training the brain in compassion to a caring society. International Symposium for Contemplative Studies (ISCS) of the Mind & Life Institute, Boston, MA, USA (2014)
Singer, T.: Plasticity of the social brain or how to train your mind and heart? DGPPN Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde, Berlin, Germany (2014)
Singer, T.: Training mind and heart: Integrating first- and third-person methods in the study of behavioral and brain plasticity. Mind and Life Institute, Amherst College, MA, USA (2014)
Singer, T.: Training mind and heart: Integrating first- and third-person methods in the study of behavioral and brain plasticity. Colloquium, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (2014)
Singer, T.: Prosocial emotions in social neuroscience: From empathy to compassion and their plasticity. Brain Circuits for Positive Emotions, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland (2014)
Singer, T.: From training your mind and heart towards a caring society: A social neuroscience perspective. Wisdom 2.0 - Fostering Wisdom & Wellness in the Technology Age, Google, Dublin, Ireland (2014)
Singer, T.: Integrating first- and third-person perspective in contemplative neuroscience: Examples and challenges. European Summer Research Institute (ESRI), Chiemsee, Germany (2014)
Singer, T.: Die Neurobiologie von Vertrauen, Mitgefühl und Kooperation. Symposium "Vertrauen: Erosion eines Grundpfeilers unseres gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts?”, Alfred Herrhausen Society, Berlin, Germany (2014)
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