
Poster (208)

Lohmann, G.; Heidemann, R. M.; Anwander, A.; Turner, R.: Reducing scanning time in 7 Tesla diffusion-weighted imaging using a new noise cleaning method. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
Schulz, J.; Wähnert, M.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Effects of head motion on the MRI visibility of cortical layers in human primary visual cortex. ISMRM Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden (2010)
Streicher, M.; Schäfer, A.; Ivanov, D.; Turner, R.: Air susceptibility effects on proton resonance frequency temperature mapping. ISMRM Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden (2010)
Strotmann, B.; Turner, R.; Schaefer, A.; Trampel, R.; Geyer, S.: Characterization of the human habenula in vivo at 7 T. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
Wähnert, M.; Weiss, M.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.: Defining and Measuring Cortical Thickness: Histology and MRI. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
Weiss, M.; Geyer, S.; Lohmann, G.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Longitudinal relaxation time T1 as a guide to in-vivo myeloarchitecture. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
Geyer, S.; Ruschel, M.; Anwander, A.; Knösche, T. R.; Turner, R.: A new connectivity-based structural map of human inferior parietal cortex. 3rd Vogt-Brodmann Symposium, Germany (2009)
Wähnert, M.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.: Non-linear co-registration of cell body- and myelin-stained postmortem human brain sections and comparison of cortical profiles. 3rd Vogt-Brodmann Symposium, Germany (2009)
Schönknecht, P.; Petzold, F.; Anwander, A.; Hegerl, U.; Turner, R.; Geyer, S.: MRT-basierte Volumetrie und Subparzialisierung des Hypothalamus. Psychische Erkrankungen in der Lebensspanne [Psychiatric Disorders through Lifespan], Berlin, Germany (2009)
Solano-Castiella, E.; Lohmann, G.; Schäfer, A.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Parcellation of the human amygdala using 7T structural MRI. 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
Weiss, M.; Abbas, Z.; Turner, R.: Segmentation of human auditory cortex based on high-resolution MR Imaging at 7 Tesla. 3rd International Conference on Auditory Cortex, Magdeburg (2009)
Weiss, M.; Abbas, Z.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Segmentation of Human Auditory Cortex based on High-Resolution MR imaging at 7 Tesla. 3th International Conference on Auditory Cortex, Magdeburg, Germany (2009)
Kozlov, M.; Turner, R.: Transient thermal simulation based on 3-D EM frequency domain data for a 7 T multi-channel coil. BioEM 2009, Davos, Switzerland (2009)
Lohmann, G.; Margulies, D. S.; Horstmann, A.; Lepsien, J.; Villringer, A.; Turner, R.: Eigenvector centrality in resting state fMRI data is modulated by state of hunger. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM), San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Neumann, J.; Fox, P.; Turner, R.; Lohmann, G.: A meta-analysis processing chain for the detection of partially directed functional networks from fMRI activation coordinates. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Fritz, T. H.; Ott, D. V. M.; Müller, K.; Turner, R.; Koelsch, S.: Investigating a putatively dopaminergic network with music. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM), San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Ruschel, M.; Anwander, A.; Knösche, T. R.; Turner, R.; Geyer, S.: Connectivity-based parcellation of the human inferior parietal cortex - New insights into the problem of structure-function relationsships in humans and macaques. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Solano-Castiella, E.; Lohmann, G.; Schäfer, A.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Parcellation of the human amygdala using 7T structural MRI. OHBM 15th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Trampel, R.; Geyer, S.; Schoenknecht, P.; Loeffler, S.; Hegerl, U.; Turner, R.: T²* mapping of human post-mortem brain at 7T. OHBM 15th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Trampel, R.; Heidemann, R. M.; Ivanov, D.; Turner, R.: Anatomical identification of V5 in humans at 7 T. OHBM 15th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
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