Publikationen von Thomas R. Knösche

Zeitschriftenartikel (95)

Numssen, O.; Martin, S.; Williams, K.; Knösche, T. R.; Hartwigsen, G.: Quantification of subject motion during TMS via pulsewise coil displacement. Brain Stimulation (2024)
Gast, R.; Knösche, T. R.; Kennedy, A.: PyRates — A code-generation tool for modeling dynamical systems in biology and beyond. PLoS Computational Biology 19 (12), e1011761 (2023)
Chien, V. S. C.; Wang, P.; Maess, B.; Fishman, Y.; Knösche, T. R.: Laminar neural dynamics of auditory evoked responses: Computational modeling of local field potentials in auditory cortex of non-human primates. NeuroImage 281, 120364 (2023)
Jing, Y.; Numssen, O.; Weise, K.; Kalloch, B.; Buchberger, L.; Haueisen, J.; Hartwigsen, G.; Knösche, T. R.: Modeling the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on spatial attention. Physics in Medicine and Biology 68 (21), 214001 (2023)
Sánchez, S. M.; Schmidt, H.; Gallardo, G.; Anwander, A.; Brauer, J.; Friederici, A. D.; Knösche, T. R.: White matter brain structure predicts language performance and learning success. Human Brain Mapping 44 (4), S. 1445 - 1455 (2023)
Weise, K.; Numssen, O.; Kalloch, B.; Zier, A. L.; Thielscher, A.; Haueisen, J.; Hartwigsen, G.; Knösche, T. R.: Precise motor mapping with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Nature Protocols 18 (2), S. 293 - 318 (2022)
Wang, P.; He, Y.; Maess, B.; Yue, J.; Chen, L.; Brauer, J.; Friederici, A. D.; Knösche, T. R.: Alpha power during task performance predicts individual language comprehension. NeuroImage 260, 119449 (2022)
Hahn, G.; Kumar, A.; Schmidt, H.; Knösche, T. R.; Deco, G.: Rate and oscillatory switching dynamics of a multilayer visual microcircuit model. eLife 11, e77594 (2022)
Schmidt, H.; Knösche, T. R.: Modelling the effect of ephaptic coupling on spike propagation in peripheral nerve fibres. Biological Cybernetics 116 (4), S. 461 - 473 (2022)
Gong, R.; Mühlberg, C.; Wegscheider, M.; Fricke, C.; Rumpf, J.-J.; Knösche, T. R.; Classen, J.: Cross-frequency phase-amplitude coupling in repetitive movements in patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurophysiology 127 (6), S. 1606 - 1621 (2022)
Weise, K.; Müller, E.; Poßner, L.; Knösche, T. R.: Comparison of the performance and reliability between improved sampling strategies for polynomial chaos expansion. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 19 (8), S. 7425 - 7480 (2022)
Weise, K.; Wartman, W. A.; Knösche, T. R.; Nummenmaa, A. R.; Makarov, S. N.: The effect of meninges on the electric fields in TES and TMS: Numerical modeling with adaptive mesh refinement. Brain Stimulation 15 (3), S. 654 - 663 (2022)
Numssen, O.; Zier, A.; Thielscher, A.; Hartwigsen, G.; Knösche, T. R.; Weise, K.: Efficient high-resolution TMS mapping of the human motor cortex by nonlinear regression. NeuroImage 245, 118654 (2021)
Feng, Z.-J.; Deng, X.-P.; Zhao, N.; Jin, J.; Yue, J.; Hu, Y.-S.; Jing, Y.; Wang, H.-X.; Knösche, T. R.; Zang, Y.-F. et al.; Wang, J.: Resting-state fMRI functional connectivity strength predicts local activity change in the dorsal cingulate cortex: A multi-target focused rTMS study. Cerebral Cortex 32 (13), S. 2773 - 2784 (2021)
Gast, R.; Knösche, T. R.; Schmidt, H.: Mean-field approximations of networks of spiking neurons with short-term synaptic plasticity. Physical Review E 104 (4-1), 044310 (2021)
Wang, P.; Knösche, T. R.; Chen, L.; Brauer, J.; Friederici, A. D.; Maess, B.: Functional brain plasticity during L1 training on complex sentences: Changes in gamma‐band oscillatory activity. Human Brain Mapping 42 (12), S. 3858 - 3870 (2021)
Gast, R.; Gong, R.; Schmidt, H.; Meijer, H. G.E.; Knösche, T. R.: On the role of arkypallidal and prototypical neurons for phase transitions in the external pallidum. The Journal of Neuroscience 41 (31), S. 6673 - 6683 (2021)
Schmidt, H.; Hahn, G.; Deco, G.; Knösche, T. R.: Ephaptic coupling in white matter fibre bundles modulates axonal transmission delays. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (2), e1007858 (2021)
Gong, R.; Wegscheider, M.; Mühlberg, C.; Gast, R.; Fricke, C.; Rumpf, J.-J.; Nikulin, V. V.; Knösche, T. R.; Classen, J.: Spatiotemporal features of β-γ phase-amplitude coupling in Parkinson’s disease derived from scalp EEG. Brain 144 (2), S. 487 - 503 (2021)
Gast, R.; Schmidt, H.; Knösche, T. R.: A mean-field description of bursting dynamics in spiking neural networks with short-term adaptation. Neural Computation 32 (9), S. 1615 - 1634 (2020)
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