Mini-Symposium: “Exploring the Gut-Brain Interplay”
We are super happy to announce our Mini-Symposium "Exploring the gut-brain interplay".
This event will take place on
September, 2 2024 from 9 to 11.30 AM (CET)
at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig and online.
The half-day symposium aims at highlight exciting research on the interplay of the gut microbiome and the brain and features talks by four brilliant scientists in the field:
Mirjam Bloemendaal (RadboudMC, Nijmegen, Netherlands): The gut microbiome & anti-depressant treatment response
Sharmili Edwin Thanarajah (University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany): The impact of Western diet & peripheral metabolism on mental health
Leonie Koban (Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, Lyon, France): Gut-brain interactions in human decision-making
Rachel Lippert (German Institute of Nutrition Research, Potsdam, Germany): The role of maternal metabolic environment in lifelong alterations to offspring neurophysiology
After their presentations, the speakers will engage in a panel discussion on future directions in gut-brain research with Veronica Witte, the PI of the Omega Lab.
Please register here to join and feel free to share the invitation this event to interested colleagues.