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Eine Übersicht über die systematische Aufstellung finden Sie in diesem Aufstellungplan.
1300 Neurological Disorders & Brain Damage
1600 Neurobiology & Pharmacology
2200 Psychometrics & Statistics & Methodology
2221 / T2 Sensory & Motor Testing
2222 / T3 Developmental Scales & Schedules
2223 / T4 Personality Scales & Inventories
2224 / T5 Clinical Psychological Testing
2225 / T6 Neuropsychological Assessment
2226 / T7 Health Psychology Testing
2227 / T8 Educational Measurement
2228 / T9 Occupational & Employment Testing
2229 Consumer Opinion & Attitude Testing
2260 Research Methods & Experimental Design
2300 Human Experimental Psychology
2326 Auditory & Speech Perception
2400 Animal Experimental & Comparative Psychology
2590 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
2600 Psychology & the Humanities
2750 Mass Media & Communications
2820 Cognitive and Perceptual Development
2840 Psychosocial and Personality Development
2850 Developmental Neuroscience
2900 Social Processes & Social Issues
2910 Social Structure & Organization
2956 Childrearing & Child Care
2960 Political Processes & Political Issues
2970 Sex Roles & Women´s Issues
2980 Sexual Behavior & Sexual Orientation
3020 Group & Interpersonal Processes
3040 Social Perception & Cognition
3120 Personality Traits & Processes
3200 Psychological & Physical Disorders
3213 Schizophrenia & Psychotic States
3215 Neuroses & Anxiety Disorders
3230 Behavior Disorders & Antisocial Behavior
3233 Substance Abuse & Addiction
3236 Criminal Behavior & Juvenile Delinquency
3250 Developmental Disorders & Autism
3280 Environmental Toxins & Health
3290 Physical & Somatoform & Psychogenic Disorders
3299 Vision & Hearing & Sensory Disorders
3300 Health & Mental Health Treatment & Prevention
3310 Psychotherapy & Psychotherapeutic Counseling
3312 Behavior Therapy & Behavior Modification
3314 Interpersonal & Client Centered & Humanistic Therapy
3350 Specialized Interventions
3355 Lay & Paraprofessional & Pastoral Counseling
3357 Art & Music & Movement Therapy
3360 Health Psychology & Medicine
3370 Health & Mental Health Services
3380 Psychological Rehabilitation
3400 Professional Psychology & Health Personnel Issues
3410 Professional Education & Training
3450 Professional Ethics & Liability
4100 Computational Neuroscience
4120 Computational Neuroscience
4320 Industrial & Organizational Psychology
4330 Sport Psychology & Leisure
4360 Engineering & Environmental Psychology
4370 Forensic Psychology & Legal Issues
5510 Bilingual Language Acquisition
6000 Image & Signal Processing
7400 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
9720 Data Processing, Electronics