Professor John Duncan | Integrated intelligence from distributed brain function

Mind Meeting

  • Datum: 03.06.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 15:30 - 16:45
  • Vortragende(r): Professor John Duncan
  • MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Raum: Zoom Meeting
  • Gastgeber: Psychology
  • Kontakt:
Human fMRI studies show a tightly-localised set of “multiple-demand” or MD regions, involved in solution of

many di erent cognitive challenges, widely separated yet strongly functionally connected, and linked to standard

measures of uid intelligence. Multiple-demand regions are generally associated with “cognitive control”,

but how should control be conceived? Using data from behavioural, imaging and single unit studies, I argue that

the core role of MD regions is to solve complex problems in an integrated structure of simpler, more solvable,

individually attended parts. With wide distribution in the brain, strong functional connectivity, modest relative

specializations, and strong conjunctive coding, MD regions are well placed to act as the integrating core of complex

thought and behaviour.

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