Prof. Niels Birbaumer | Brain computer interfaces in paralyis and voluntary brain regulation


  • Datum: 17.02.2017
  • Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Vortragende(r): Prof. Niels Birbaumer
  • Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology, University Tübingen, Germany & Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften
  • Raum: Wilhelm Wundt Raum (A400)
  • Gastgeber: Abteilung Neurophysik
  • Kontakt:
The lecture presents brain communication in completely paralysed locked in patients and speculates on a motor theory of thinking. Local neurofeedback-regulation of specific brain areas using fMRI needs an intact motor system, still, behavioral effects of local brain regulation in pathophysiology are difficult to replicate.

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