Zeitschriftenartikel (89)

Kleinschmidt, A.; Obrig, H.; Requardt, M.; Merboldt, K. D.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.; Frahm, J.: Simultaneous recording of cerebral blood oxygenation changes during human brain activation by magnetic resonance imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 16, S. 817 - 826 (1996)
Knösche, T. R.; Praamstra, P.; Stegeman, D.; Peters, M. J.: Linear Estimation discriminates midline source and motor cortex contribution to readiness potential. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 99, S. 183 – 190 (1996)
Lippa, Y.: A referential-coding explanation for compatibility effects of physically orthogonal stimulus and response dimensions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A 4, S. 950 - 971 (1996)
Lopez, A. R.: The pragmatic nature of induction. Psykhe: Revista de la Escuela de Psicologia 5 (2), S. 179 - 184 (1996)
Mechsner, F.: A new theory of cerebellar function. Connection Science 8 (1), S. 31 - 54 (1996)
Mecklinger, A.; Müller, N.: Dissociations in the processing of ''what'' and ''where'' information in working memory: An event-related potential analysis. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 8 (5), S. 453 - 473 (1996)
Mecklinger, A.; Pfeifer, E.: Event-related potentials reveal topographical and temporal distinct neuronal activation patterns for spatial and object working memory. Cognitive Brain Research 4 (3), S. 211 - 224 (1996)
Melsbach, G.; Wohlschläger, A.; Spieß, M.; Güntürkün, O.: Morphological asymmetries of motoneurons innervating upper extremities: Clues to the anatomical foundations of handedness? International Journal of Neuroscience 86 (3-4), S. 217 - 224 (1996)
Möller, H. E.; Klocke, H.-K.; Bongartz, G. M.; Peters, P. E.: MR flow quantification using RACE: Clinical application to the carotid arteries. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 6 (3), S. 503 - 512 (1996)
Möller, H. E.; Vermathen, P.; Rummeny, E. J.; Wörtler, K.; Wuisman, P.; Rössler, A.; Wörmann, B.; Ritter, J.; Peters, P. E.: In vivo 31P NMR study of human musculoskeletal tumors as a measure of response to chemotherapy. NMR in Biomedicine 9 (8), S. 347 - 358 (1996)
Möller, R.; Paschke, P.: Simulation of cortex-like neural networks on a CNAPS SIMD neurocomputer. Neural Processing Letters 4 (2), S. 67 - 74 (1996)
Müller-Miny, H.; Erber, D.; Möller, H. E.; Müller-Miny, B.; Bongartz, G. M.: Is there a hazard to health by mercury exposure from amalgam due to MRI? Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 6 (1), S. 258 - 260 (1996)
Müsseler, J.; Meinecke, C.; Döbler, J.: Complexity of user interfaces: Can it be reduced by a mode key? Behaviour and Information Technology 15 (5), S. 291 - 300 (1996)
Müsseler, J.; Prinz, W.: Action planning during the presentation of stimulus sequences: Effects of compatible and incompatible stimuli. Psychological Research 59 (1), S. 48 - 63 (1996)
Obrig, H.; Heekeren, H.; Ruben, J.; Wenzel, R.; Ndayisaba, J. P.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Continuous spectrum near-infrared spectroscopy approach in functional activation studies in the human adult. Proceedings SPIE 2926, S. 58 - 66 (1996)
Obrig, H.; Hirth, C.; Junge-Huelsing, G. J.; Doege, C.; Wolf, T.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Cerebral oxygenation changes in response to motor stimulation. Journal of Applied Physiology 81, S. 1174 - 1183 (1996)
Obrig, H.; Wolf, T.; Doege, C.; Junge-Huelsing, G. J.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Cerebral oxygenation changes during motor and somatosensory stimulation in humans as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 388, S. 219 - 224 (1996)
Pössl, J.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Clients' view of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Brain Injury 10 (2), S. 125 - 132 (1996)
Prinz, W.: U. Neisser: Cognitive psychology (Review). Archiv für Psychologie 121, S. 318 - 322 (1996)
Schäfer, M.: Aggression unter Schuelern. Report Psychologie 21 (9), S. 700 - 711 (1996)
Schäfer, M.; Smith, P. K.: Teachers' perceptions of play fighting and real fighting in primary school. Educational Research 38 (2), S. 173 - 181 (1996)
Schölmerich, A.; van Aken, M. A. G.: Attachment security and maternal concepts of ideal children in Northern and Southern Germany. International Journal of Behavioral Development 19 (4), S. 725 - 738 (1996)
Schubert, T.: Die Analyse von Interferenzeffekten bei der gleichzeitigen Bearbeitung zweier Aufgaben. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie 43 (4), S. 625 - 656 (1996)
Stark, R.; Gruber, H.; Graf, M.; Renkl, A.; Mandl, H.: Komplexes Lernen in der kaufmännischen Erstausbildung: Kognitive und motivationale Aspekte. Zeitschrift für Berufs und Wirtschaftspädagogik Beiheft 13, S. 23 - 26 (1996)
Sultan, F.; Heck, D.; Bekkering, H.: How to link the specificity of cerebellar anatomy to motor learning? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3), S. 474 (1996)
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