Zeitschriftenartikel (214)

Knoblich, G.; Jordan, J. S.: Action coordination in groups and individuals: Learning anticipatory control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (5), S. 1006 - 1016 (2003)
Koch, I.; Metin, B.; Schuch, S.: The role of temporal uncertainty for process interference an code overlap in perception-action dual tasks. Psychological Research 67 (4), S. 244 - 252 (2003)
Koch, I.; Ruge, H.; Brass, M.; Rubin, O.; Meiran, N.; Prinz, W.: Equivalence of cognitive processes in brain imaging and behavioral studies: Evidence from task switching. NeuroImage 20 (1), S. 572 - 577 (2003)
Koch, I.; Ruge, H.; Braß, M.; Rubin, O.; Meiran, N.; Prinz, W.: Equivalence of cognitive processes in brain-imaging and behavioral studies: Evidence from task switching. NeuroImage 20 (1), S. 572 - 577 (2003)
Koelsch, S.: Das Verstehen der Bedeutung von Musik. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 2003 (2003)
Koelsch, S.; Friederici, A. D.: Toward the neural basis of processing structure in music: Comparative results of different neurophysiological investigation methods. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, The Neurosciences and Music 999, S. 15 - 28 (2003)
Koelsch, S.; Fritz, T.: Untersuchung von Emotion mit Musik: eine funktionell-bildgebende Studie. Sprache Stimme Gehör 27, S. 62 - 65 (2003)
Koelsch, S.; Grossmann, T.; Gunter, T. C.; Hahne, A.; Schröger, E.; Friederici, A. D.: Children processing music: Electric brain responses reveal musical competence and gender differences. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15 (5), S. 683 - 693 (2003)
Koelsch, S.; Gunter, T. C.; Schröger, E.; Friederici, A. D.: Processing tonal modulations: An ERP study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15 (8), S. 1149 - 1159 (2003)
Koelsch, S.; Maess, B.; Grossmann, T.; Friederici, A. D.: Electric brain responses reveal gender differences in music processing. NeuroReport 14 (5), S. 709 - 713 (2003)
Kotz, S. A.; Friederici, A. D.: Electrophysiology of normal and pathological language processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics 16 (1), S. 43 - 58 (2003)
Kotz, S. A.; Frisch, S.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Friederici, A. D.: Syntactic language processing: ERP lesion data on the role of the basal ganglia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 9 (7), S. 1053 - 1060 (2003)
Kotz, S. A.; Meyer, M.; Alter, K.; Besson, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Friederici, A. D.: On the lateralization of emotional prosody: an event-related functional MR investigation. Brain and Language 86 (3), S. 366 - 376 (2003)
Kovalev, V. A.; Kruggel, F.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Gender and age effects in structural brain asymmetry as measured by MRI texture analysis. NeuroImage 19 (3), S. 895 - 905 (2003)
Kuck, H.; Grossbach, M.; Bangert, M.; Altenmüller, E.: Brain processing of Meter and Rhythm in music: Electrophysiological evidence for a common network. Ann N y Acad Sci 999, S. 244 - 53 (2003)
Lattner, S.; Friederici, A. D.: Talker's voice and gender stereotype in human auditory sentence processing - evidence from event-related brain potentials. Neuroscience Letters 339 (3), S. 191 - 194 (2003)
Lattner, S.; Maess, B.; Wang, Y.; Schauer, M.; Alter, K.; Friederici, A. D.: Dissociation of human and computer voices in the brain: evidence for a preattentive gestalt-like perception. Human Brain Mapping 20 (1), S. 13 - 21 (2003)
Leube, D.; Knoblich, G.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.; Bartels, M.; Kircher, T. T. J.: The neural correlates of perceiving one's own movements. NeuroImage 20 (4), S. 2084 - 2090 (2003)
Leube, D.; Knoblich, G.; Erb, M.; Kircher, T. T. J.: Observing one's hand become anarchic: An fMRI study of action identification. Consciousness and Cognition 12 (4), S. 597 - 608 (2003)
Manthey, S.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Premotor cortex in observing erroneous action: An fMRI study. Cognitive Brain Research 15 (3), S. 296 - 307 (2003)
Mechsner, F.: Gestalt factors in human movement coordination. Gestalt Theory 25 (4), S. 225 - 245 (2003)
Mechsner, F.: Wie frei ist unser Wille? GEO (01/2003), S. 65 - 84 (2003)
Mechsner, F.; Newen, A.: Thoughts without a thinker (Book review on T. Metzinger, Being no one: The self-model theory of subjectivity. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2003). Science 302 (5642), S. 61 (2003)
Mecklinger, A.; Weber, K.; Gunter, T. C.; Engle, R. W.: Dissociable brain mechanisms for inhibitory control: Effects of interference content and working memory capacity. Cognitive Brain Research 18 (1), S. 26 - 38 (2003)
Mehraein, S.; Schmidtke, K.; Villringer, A.; Valdueza, J. M.; Masuhr, F.: Heparin treatment in cerebral sinus and venous thrombosis: patients at risk of fatal outcome. Cerebrovascular Disease 15, S. 17 - 21 (2003)
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