Vortrag (265)

Scharinger, M.: Phonemotopy in the auditory cortex. MEG evidence from English consonants. MEGLANG2009, NeuroSpin, Paris, France (2009)
Villringer, A.: Warum essen wir zuviel? Neuroimaging und Adipositas. 26. AGNP-Symposium (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie), Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, University of Munich, Germany (2009)
Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.: Neuropsychologisch fundierte Verhaltenstherapie im Frühstadium der Alzheimerdemenz. 12. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation (DGVM), Leipzig, Germany (2009)
Knoll, L. J.: fMRT Studien mit Kindern – Desensibilisierung mittels Mock-up Scanner. Moderne MR-Methoden in der Neuropädiatrie - Workshop, Tübingen, Germany (2009)
Obermeier, C.: Gestures and the disambiguation of speech. 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Berlin, Germany (2009)
Ritter, P.: Spontaneous and evoked spatiotemporal dynamics of EEG-fMRI signals. 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Berlin, Germany (2009)
Streicher, M.; Schäfer, A.; Turner, R.: Effects of air susceptibility on MR thermometry. 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
Villringer, A.: The role of NIRS in the "concert" of functional brain imaging methods. Inter-Institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic and Biophotonic Methods from Bench to Bedside, Bethesda, MD, USA (2009)
Witte, V.: Caloric restriction improves memory in healthy elderly humans. Donders Discussions, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2009)
Solano-Castiella, E.: United states of the amygdala - how to define borders. Geneva (2009)
Draganski, B.: Recent developments in computational neuroanatomy. Bulgaria (2009)
Grossmann, T.: Genetic influences on the cerebral processing of facial and vocal emotional expressions. European Science Foundation Conference, Sant Felieu de Guixols, Spain (2009)
Draganski, B.: Exploring structural brain plasticity - hits and misses. Annual Meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience, UK (2009)
Draganski, B.: Human brain plasticity. Annual Meeting of the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of London, UK (2009)
Fairhurst, M. T.; Anwander, A.; Repp, B. H.; Keller, P. E.: The effect of musical experience on error correction and correlated white matter adaptions. British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), University College London, UK (2009)
Macedonia, M.; Müller, K.; Friederici, A. D.: Symbolic gestuers enhance foreign language vocabulary learning. International Conference on Neurobilingualism, Bangor, Wales, UK (2009)
Mueller, J. L.; Nakamura, A.; Rueschemeyer, S.-A.; Ono, K.; Sugiura, M.; Sadato, N.; Friederici, A. D.: One for all: Unitary brain network serves both lexical-semantic and syntactic learning. International Conference - Neurobilingualism, Bangor, UK (2009)
Zawiszewski, A.; Laka, I.: Parameters of grammar and maturational effects: an ERP study on ergativity and object verb agreement by natives and nonnatives of Basque. Neurobilingualism Conference, Bangor, Wales, UK (2009)
Keller, P. E.; Dalla Bella, S.; Koch, I.: How movement timing and kinematics are shaped by spatial attributes of pitch during musical sequences production. 4th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rom, Italy (2009)
Kotz, S. A.: Sequencing and timing: Critical parameters in L2 syntactic processing? Neurobilingualism - Bilingual functioning from infancy to adulthood, Wales, UK (2009)
Melzer, A.; Daum, M. M.; Prinz, W.: Wahrnehmung und Produktion einer kontralateralen Greifbewegung: Enger Zusammenhang bereits mit 12 Monaten. 19. Tagung der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsychologie DGP's, Hildesheim, Germany (2009)
Möller, H. E.; Mildner, T.; Hetzer, S.; Driesel, W.: Technological aspects of human brain perfusion imaging by continuous arterial spin labeling. Advanced Bioimaging Technologies Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada (2009)
Attig, M.; Daum, M. M.; Gunawan, R.; Gredebäck, G.; Prinz, W.: Antizipatorische Augenbewegungen während der Beobachtung zielgerichteter Handlungen. Dialog der Generationen,19. Tagung der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsychologie (DGP), Hildesheim (2009)
Daum, M. M.; Gredebäck, G.: Modulierung von Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen durch zielgerichtete Handlungen bei Säuglingen und Erwachsenen. 19. Tagung der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsychologie der DGPs, Hildesheim (2009)
Turner, R.: A Sharper Image--Grey Matter Structure by 7T MRI. 2nd MAGNETOM World UHF User Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (2009)
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