Zeitschriftenartikel (299)

Davidson, D.; Indefrey, P.: Plasticity of grammatical recursion in German learners of Dutch. Language and Cognitive Processes 24 (9), S. 1335 - 1369 (2009)
Dedovic, K.; Wadiwalla, M.; Engert, V.; Pruessner, J. C.: The role of sex and gender socialization in stress reactivity. Developmental Psychology 45 (1), S. 45 - 55 (2009)
Deepu, P. R.; Dittmar, M. S.; Baldaranov, D.; Heidemann, R. M.; Henning, E. C.; Schuierer, G.; Bogdahn, U.; Schlachetzki, F.: Cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats - A 3T MRI study on biphasic blood-brain barrier opening and the dynamics of edema formation. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 29 (11), S. 1846 - 1855 (2009)
Derrfuss, J.; Brass, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Lohmann, G.; Amunts, K.: Neural activations at the junction of the inferior frontal sulcus and the inferior precentral sulcus: Interindividual variability, reliability and association with sulcal morphology. Human Brain Mapping 30 (1), S. 299 - 311 (2009)
Dominguez Duque, J. F.; Lewis, D. E.; Turner, R.; Egan, G. F.: The brain in culture and culture in the brain: A review of core issues in neuroanthropology. Progress in Brain Research 178, S. 43 - 64 (2009)
Erdocia, K.; Laka, I.; Mestres-Misse, A.; Rodriguez-Fornells, A.: Syntactic complexity and ambiguity resolution in a free word order language: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidences from Basque. Brain & Language 109 (1), S. 1 - 17 (2009)
Falconbridge, M.; Wozny, D.; Shams, L.; Engel, S.: Adapting to altered image statistics using processed video. Vision Research 49 (14), S. 1757 - 1764 (2009)
Fastenrath, M.; Friston, K. J.; Kiebel, S. J.: Dynamical causal modelling for M/EEG: spatial and temporal symmetry constraints. NeuroImage 44 (1), S. 154 - 163 (2009)
Frick, A.; Daum, M. M.; Walser, S.; Mast, F. W.: Motor processes in children’s mental rotation. Journal of Cognition and Development 10 (1-2), S. 18 - 40 (2009)
Frick, A.; Daum, M. M.; Wilson, M.; Wilkening, F.: Effects of action on children’s and adults’ mental imagery. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 104 (1), S. 34 - 51 (2009)
Friederici, A. D.; Makuuchi, M.; Bahlmann, J.: The role of the posterior superior temporal cortex in sentence comprehension. NeuroReport 20 (6), S. 563 - 568 (2009)
Friedrich, R.; Friederici, A. D.: Mathematical logic in the human brain: Syntax. PLoS ONE 4 (5), e5599 (2009)
Friston, K. J.; Daunizeau, J.; Kiebel, S. J.: Reinforcement learning or active inference? PLoS ONE 4 (7), S. e6421 (2009)
Friston, K. J.; Kiebel, S. J.: Cortical circuits for perceptual inference. Neural Networks 22 (8), S. 1093 - 1104 (2009)
Friston, K. J.; Kiebel, S. J.: Predictive coding under the free-energy principle. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 364 (1521), S. 1211 - 1221 (2009)
Furl, N.; van Rijsbergen, N.; Kiebel, S. J.; Friston, K. J.; Treves, A.; Dolan, R. J.: Modulation of perception and brain activity by predictable trajectories of facial expressions. Cerebral Cortex (2009)
Garrido, L.; Furl, N.; Draganski, B.; Weiskopf, N.; Stevens, J.; Tan, G. C.-Y.; Driver, J.; Dolan, R. J.; Duchaine, B.: Voxel-based morphometry reveals reduced grey matter volume in the temporal cortex of developmental prosopagnosics. Brain 132 (12), S. 3443 - 3455 (2009)
Garrido, M. I.; Kilner, J. M.; Kiebel, S. J.; Friston, K. J.: Dynamic causal modelling of the response to frequency deviants. Journal of Neurophysiology 101, S. 2620 - 2631 (2009)
Graham, S.; Phua, E.; Soon, S.; Oh, T.; Au, C.; Shuter, B.; Wang, S.-C.; Yeh, I. B.: Role of medial cortical, hippocampal and striatal interactions during cognitive set-shifting. NeuroImage 45 (4), S. 1359 - 1367 (2009)
Grant, J. A.; Rainville, P.: Pain sensitivity and analgesic effects of mindful states in Zen meditators: a cross-sectional study. Psychosomatic Medicine 71 (1), S. 106 - 114 (2009)
Grosjean, M.; Zwickel, J.; Prinz, W.: Acting while perceiving: Assimilation precedes contrast. Psychological Research 73 (1), S. 3 - 13 (2009)
Grossmann, T.; Gliga, T.; Johnson, M. H.; Mareschal, D.: The neural basis of perceptual category learning in human infants. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (12), S. 2276 - 2286 (2009)
Guthke, T.: Berufliche Wiedereingliederung bei Schlaganfallpatienten. Newsletter Kompetenznetz Schlaganfall 10, S. 4 - 5 (2009)
Han, Y.; Yang, H.; Lv, Y.; Zhu, C.; He, Y.; Tang, H.; Gong, Q.; Luo, Y.-J.; Zang, Y.; Dong, Q.: Gray matter density and white matter integrity in pianists' brain: A combined structural and diffusion tensor MRI study. Neuroscience Letters 459 (1), S. 3 - 6 (2009)
Henning, A.; Daum, M. M.; Aschersleben, G.: Frühkindliche Handlungswahrnehmung und Theory of Mind: Vom Verständnis zielgerichteter Handlungen zum Verständnis mentalistisch gesteuerter Handlungen. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 41 (4), S. 233 - 242 (2009)
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