Zeitschriftenartikel (273)

Rothermich, K.; Schmidt-Kassow, M.; Schwartze, M.; Kotz, S. A.: Event-related potential responses to metric violations: rules versus meaning. NeuroReport 21 (8), S. 580 - 584 (2010)
Rotshtein, P.; Richardson, M. P.; Winston, J. S.; Kiebel, S. J.; Vuilleumier, P.; Eimer, M.; Driver, J.; Dolan, R. J.: Amygdala damage affects event-related potentials for fearful faces at specific time windows. Human Brain Mapping 31 (7), S. 1089 - 1105 (2010)
Sacher, J.; Wilson, A. A.; Houle, S.; Rusjan, P.; Hassan, S.; Bloomfield, P. M.; Stewart, D.; Meyer, J. H.: Elevated brain monoamine oxidase A binding in early postpartum period. Archives of General Psychiatry 67 (5), S. 468 - 474 (2010)
Sajonz, B.; Kahn, T.; Margulies, D. S.; Park, S.; Wittmann, A.; Stoy, M.; Ströhle, A.; Heinz, A.; Northoff, G.; Bermpohl, F.: Delineating self-referential processing from episodic memory retrieval: common and dissociable networks. NeuroImage 50 (4), S. 1606 - 1617 (2010)
Sammler, D.; Baird, A.; Valabrègue, R.; Clement, S.; Dupont, S.; Belin, P.; Samson, S.: The relationship of lyrics and tunes in the processing of unfamiliar songs: A functional magnetic resonance adaptation study. The Journal of Neuroscience 30 (10), S. 3572 - 3578 (2010)
Saupe, K.; Koelsch, S.; Ruebsamen, R.: Spatial selective attention in a complex auditory environment such as polyphonic music. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 (1), S. 427 - 480 (2010)
Scharinger, M.; Lahiri, A.: Height differences in English dialects: Consequences for processing and representation. Language and Speech 53 (2), S. 245 - 272 (2010)
Scharinger, M.; Lahiri, A.; Eulitz, C.: Mismatch negativity effects of alternating vowels in morphologically complex word forms. Journal of Neurolinguistics 23 (4), S. 383 - 399 (2010)
Scheid, R.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Clinical findings in the chronic phase of traumatic brain injury: Data from 12 years' experience in the Cognitive Neurology Outpatient Clinic at the University of Leipzig. Deutsches Aerzteblatt - International 107 (12), S. 199 - 205 (2010)
Schmitt, V.; Meuth, A.; Ammler, S.; Kuehn, E.; Haust, M.; Messer, G.; Bekou, V.; Sauerland, C.; Metze, D.; Köpcke, W. et al.; Kuhn, A.: Lupus erythematosus tumidus is a separate subtype of cutaneous lupus erythematosus. British Journal of Dermatology 162 (1), S. 64 - 73 (2010)
Schroeter, M. L.; Abdul-Khaliq, H.; Sacher, J.; Steiner, J.; Blasig, I. E.; Müller, K.: Mood disorders are glial disorders: Evidence from in vivo studies. Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology 2010, 780645 (2010)
Schroeter, M. L.; Ettrich, B.; Menz, M. M.; Zysset, S.: Traumatic brain injury affects the frontomedian cortex: An event-related fMRI study on evaluative judgments. Neuropsychologia 48 (1), S. 185 - 193 (2010)
Schubotz, R. I.; Anwander, A.; Knösche, T. R.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Tittgemeyer, M.: Anatomical and functional parcellation of the human lateral premotor cortex. NeuroImage 50 (2), S. 396 - 408 (2010)
Schütz-Bosbach, S.: Kommentare zu Shiffrar und Heinen: Die Fähigkeiten von Athleten verändern deren Wahrnehmung von Handlungen [Comments on Shiffrar and Heinen: The abilities of athletes to alter their perception of actions]. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 17 (4), S. 154 - 157 (2010)
Schütz-Bosbach, S.: Das motorische System in der sozialen Wahrnehmung - Nur ein Spiegel? [The motor system in social perception – Only a mirror?]. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 17 (4), S. 154 - 157 (2010)
Schütz-Bosbach, S.: Das leibhaftige Ich: Körperliche Erfahrung schafft Selbst-Bewusstsein [The incarnated ego: Bodily experiences are constitutive for self-conciousness]. Junge Akademie Magazin 11, S. 18 - 19 (2010)
Schwarzbauer, C.; Mildner, T.; Heinke, W.; Brett, M.; Deichmann, R.: Dual echo EPI - The method of choice for fMRI in the presence of magnetic field inhomogeneities? Neuroimage 49 (1), S. 316 - 326 (2010)
Sehm, B.; Perez, M. A.; Xu, B.; Hidler, J.; Cohen, L. G.: Functional neuroanatomy of mirroring during a unimanual force generation task. Cerebral Cortex 20 (1), S. 24 - 45 (2010)
Sevdalis, V.; Keller, P. E.: Cues for self-recognition in point-light displays of actions performed in synchrony with music. Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2), S. 617 - 626 (2010)
Smallwood, J.: Why the global availability of mind wandering necessitates resource competition: Reply to McVay and Kane. Psychological Bulletin 136 (2), S. 202 - 207 (2010)
Smallwood, J.: Swept into superficiality [Review of book "The shallows" by Nicholas Carr]. Science 329 (5997), S. 1285 - 1285 (2010)
Solano-Castiella, E.; Anwander, A.; Lohmann, G.; Weiss, M.; Docherty, C.; Geyer, S.; Reimer, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Turner, R.: Diffusion tensor imaging segments the human amygdala in vivo. NeuroImage 49 (4), S. 2958 - 2965 (2010)
Song, J.; Nicol, T.; Kraus, N.: Test-retest reliability of the speech-evoked auditory brainstem response in young adults. Clinical Neurophysiology 122, S. 346 - 355 (2010)
Spengler, S.; Brass, M.; Kühn, S.; Schütz-Bosbach, S.: Minimizing motor mimicry by myself: Self-focus enhances online action-control mechanisms during motor contagion. Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1), S. 98 - 106 (2010)
Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: Action semantics modulate action prediction. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (11), S. 2141 - 2158 (2010)
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