Vortrag (3624)

Fritz, T. H.: Das therapeutische Potential musikalischer Euphorie. 9. Fachtagung Traumanetz Seelische Gesundheit, Dresden, Germany (2016)
Singer, T.: Trainierbarkeit des sozialen Gehirns: Von Stressreduktion zu mehr Mitgefühl und Kooperation. 15-jähriges Jubiläum des Hertie-Institut für Klinische Hirnforschung, Tübingen, Germany (2016)
Berkers, R.: Modulatory influences on neural learning systems and long-term memory formation. Institute Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Cognition & Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2016)
Janssen, L.: Motivational and cognitive control in the face of food. Guest Lecture, Comparative Psychology, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany (2016)
Singer, T.: Das ReSource Project: Trainierbarkeit des sozialen Gehirns: Von Stressreduktion zu mehr Mitgefühl und Kooperation. Meditation und Wissenschaft - Interdisziplinärer Kongress zu Meditations- und Bewusstseinsforschung., Berlin, Germany (2016)
Weiskopf, N.: Characterizing brain microstructure using MRI – Towards in-vivo histology (hMRI). Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2016)
Singer, T.: Affektive und kognitive Routen des sozialen Gehirns in Plastizität und Psychopathologie. DGPPN Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, Berlin, Germany (2016)
Sacher, J.: In vivo dynamics of the human hippocampus across the menstrual cycle. Society in Science Symposium, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland (2016)
Fritz, T. H.: Music as communication from the cognitive science perspective. Society for Ethnomusicology 61st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2016)
Singer, T.: Plasticity of the social brain: From training the mind and heart to a caring society. "Compassion in Practice Continuing Education Course" at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (2016)
Sammler, D.: Motor planning in expert pianists: The special role of musical syntax. Ringvorlesung "Systemat­ic Musicolo­gy: Percep­tion and Cognition of Music", Dresden Music Cognition Lab, TU Dresden, Germany (2016)
Singer, T.: From training your brain and mind towards a more caring society: Effects of mental training on brain, well-being, health, and cooperation. Brown University, Providence, RI, USA (2016)
Singer, T.: Plasticity of the social brain: Differential effects of different types of mental trainings on attention, compassion, stress, brain, and prosocial behavior. Center for Mindfulness and Compassion, Somerville, MA, USA (2016)
Singer, T.: From training your brain and mind towards a more caring society: Effects on mental training on brain, well-being, health, and cooperation. Center for Mindfulness, Worcester, MA, US (2016)
Piai, V.; Meyer, L.; Dronkers, N. F.; Knight, R. T.: Neuroplasticity of language in left-hemisphere stroke: Evidence linking subsecond electrophysiology and structural connectivity. Academy of Aphasia 54. Annual Meeting, Llandudno (2016)
Skeide, M. A.: Neurobiological origins of comorbid deficits in literacy and numeracy. Meeting, Stanford University, CA, USA (2016)
Singer, T.: Trainierbarkeit des sozialen Gehirns: Von Stressreduktion zu mehr Mitgefühl und Kooperation. Mindsight Kongress, Berlin, Germany (2016)
Singer, T.: Plastizität des sozialen Gehirns: Vom Trainieren des Geistes und des Herzens zu einer fürsorglicheren Gesellschaft. Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e. V. (IASS), Potsdam, Germany (2016)
Meyer, L.: Chunk, store, and integrate: Neural oscillations during sentence comprehension. 20th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Seoul (2016)
Knösche, T. R.: Reconstruction of the structural brain connectome using. Workshop “EEG Theory and Applications”, Reykjavik, Iceland (2016)
Weiskopf, N.: Characterising brain tissue microstructure using quantitative MRI - Towards in-vivo histology. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Lenich, T.; Pampel, A.; Kranz, A.; Möller, H. E.: Towards high-resolution mapping of lactate via NOE. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Vienna, Austria (2016)
Metere, R.; Schäfer, A.; Möller, H. E.: Bias in quantitative MRI from misregistration effects and noise. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Vienna, Austria (2016)
Weiskopf, N.: Characterizing brain microstructure using magnetic resonance imaging - Towards in-vivo histology. 114. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG), Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany (2016)
Khalil, A.; Kirilina, E.; Nierhaus, T.; Villringer, K.; Villringer, A.; Fiebach, J.: Independent component analysis of resting-state hemodynamics in acute stroke: A new approach for identifying hypoperfusion. ESMRMB 2016 Conference, Vienna, Austria (2016)
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