
Co-ordinator / Project Manager / Quality Manager / Gender Equality Officer


1. MindBrainBody


10th MindBrainBody Symposium 2023
March 14-17, 2023 | Hybrid

Press Release Text & Photos

2. „Mind-Body-Emotion" Gruppe der Abteilung für Neurologie


The “Mind-Body-Emotion” Group of the Neurology Department investigates the interaction of the brain and the rest of the body during emotional processing – with a special focus on potential modulators of cardio- and cerebrovascular health. For the ongoing “Leipzig Cohort for Mind-Body-Emotion Interactions” (LEMON), healthy participants are psychometrically characterized with respect to cognitive capacities and emotional or stress reactivity. In task-free (i.e., resting-state) and task-based measurements, the central nervous system of participants is comprehensively assessed using functional and structural neuroimaging (DWI, f/MRI, EEG). At the same time, activity in the autonomic nervous system is recorded (electrocardiogram and pulse, respiration, blood pressure) and endocrine markers in blood and hair are analysed. LEMON thereby comprises a joint protocol on which individual projects on diverse aspects of emotional processing build in a modular fashion. Data openly shared and published here.


3. „Somatosensorik" Gruppe der Abteilung für Neurologie



Akademische Ausbildung

2001 - 2005

BA in Economics

Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon

2005 - 2007

MA in International Affairs

Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon

2006 - 2007

Global Studies Master Program (Exchange Student)

University of Leipzig, Germany

2009 - 2013

PhD in Global Studies

University of Leipzig, Germany


2009 - 2012

Koordinatorin der Internationalen DoktorandenInitiative

Universität Leipzig


Koordinatorin der IMPRS NeurCom

MPI CBS Leipzig

seit 2012

Koordinatorin in der Abteilung für Neurologie

MPI CBS Leipzig

seit 2020

Qualitätsmanagement in der Abteilung für Neurologie

MPI CBS Leipzig

seit 2021


MPI CBS Leipzig

seit 2023

Stellvertreterin Sektionsgleichstellungsbeauftragte (Stv. SGB) für die Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaftliche Sektion der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

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