Publikationen von Martin Gryga

Poster (4)

Gryga, M.; Dukart, J.; Taubert, M.; Vollmann, H.; Sehm, B.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Structural and functional changes in the brain after one week of learning a complex motor skill. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, QC, Canada (2011)
Gryga, M.; Taubert, M.; Vollmann, H.; Sehm, B.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Functional and structural changes in the human brain following motor skill learning on 5 consecutive days: A TMS and VBM study. Inauguration Symposium Ray Dolan, Berlin, Germany (2011)
Gryga, M.; Taubert, M.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Functional and structural plasticity after motor skill learning: A TMS and VBM study. 54th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (DGKN), Halle (Saale), Germany (2010)
Gryga, M.; Vollmann, H.; Taubert, M.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Functional and structural changes in the human brain following motor skill learning on 5 consecutive days: A TMS and VBM study. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (2010)
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