Publikationen von Dennis Maudrich

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Kenville, R.; Maudrich, D.; Körner, S.; Zimmer, J.; Ragert, P.: Effects of short-term dynamic balance training on postural stability in school-aged football players and gymnasts. Frontiers in Psychology 12, 767036 (2021)
Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.; Nikulin, V. V.: Voluntary inhibition of physiological mirror activity: An EEG-EMG study. eNeuro 7 (5), 0326-20.2020 (2020)
Kenville, R.; Maudrich, T.; Vidaurre, C.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.; Nikulin, V. V.: Intermuscular coherence between homologous muscles during dynamic and static movement periods of bipedal squatting. Journal of Neurophysiology 124 (4), S. 1045 - 1055 (2020)
Kenville, R.; Maudrich, T.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation improves maximum isometric force production during isometric Barbell squats. Brain Sciences 10 (4), 235 (2020)
Kenville, R.; Maudrich, T.; Vidaurre, C.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Nikulin, V. V.; Ragert, P.: Corticomuscular interactions during different movement periods in a multi-joint compound movement. Scientific Reports 10, 5021 (2020)
Mizuguchi, N.; Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Carius, D.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Structural connectivity prior to whole-body sensorimotor skill learning associates with changes in resting state functional connectivity. NeuroImage 197, S. 191 - 199 (2019)
Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Nikulin, V. V.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Inverse relationship between amplitude and latency of physiological mirror activity during repetitive isometric contractions. Neuroscience 406, S. 300 - 313 (2019)

Poster (2)

Kenville, R.; Maudrich, T.; Nikulin, V. V.; Vidaurre, C.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Corticomuscular coherence between motor cortex and principal muscles in a whole-body squat movement. FENS Forum 2018, Berlin (2018)
Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Nikulin, V. V.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Anodal tDCS of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex prolongs the latency of physiological mirror activity during unilateral isometric contractions of intrinsic hand muscles. FENS Forum 2018, Berlin (2018)
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