Publikationen von D. Yves von Cramon

Poster (147)

Volkmann, B.; Siebörger, F. T.; Ferstl, E. C.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Schluss mit lustig! Eine behaviorale Patientenstudie zu verbalem Humor und sprachlicher Revision. 4. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung, Greisfswald, Germany (2004)
Ullsperger, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Error processing in patients with focal lesions of the basal ganglia and the lateral frontal cortex: Behavioral and event-related potential evidence. 34th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA (2004)
Ferstl, E. C.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Text comprehension after brain injury: an fMRI study of inference processes in patients with anterior temporal or fronto-medial lesions. 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN), Jena, Germany (2004)
Schubotz, R. I.; Tewes, A.; Wolfensteller, U.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over dorsal premotor areas interfered with visuospatial attention. 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung, Jena (2004)
Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Motor areas serve attention: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging on memory-driven versus stimulus-driven sequencing. 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung, Jena (2004)
Volz, K.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Pseudo learning and real learning and its contribution to the posterior frontomedian cortex (pFMC). 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle Bildgebung, Jena (2004)
Siebörger, F. T.; Ferstl, E. C.; Volkmann, B.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Spaß beiseite! Eine fMRI Studie und eine behaviorale Patientenstudie zu verbalem Humor und sprachlicher Revision. 19. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie, Munich, Germany (2004)
Ferstl, E. C.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Text comprehension after brain injury: an fMRI study of inference processes in patients with anterior temporal or fronto-medial lesions. Human Brain Mapping (HBM), Budapest, Ungary (2004)
Pollmann, S.; Lepsien, J.; Hugdahl, K.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Target detection in dichotic listening investigated with event-related fMRI. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Budapest, Hungary (2004)
Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Anterior-posterior functional gradient within premotor fields: fMRI on memory-driven versus stimulus-driven sequencing. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary (2004)
Siebörger, F. T.; Ferstl, E. C.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Making sense of nonsense texts: An fMRI study on coherence building via strategic inference processes. Human Brain Mapping (HBM), Budapest, Hungary (2004)
Volz, K.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Real learning and pseudo learning: Effects on the posteiror frontomedian cortex (BA 8m) investigated with fMRI. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary (2004)
Wolfensteller, U.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Trained motor significances override attentional modulation of lateral premotor cortex – an fMRI study. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, Hungary (2004)
Müller, K.; Lohmann, G.; Neumann, J.; Mildner, T.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Investigating the Coupling between BOLD Signal Strength and Latency. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Budapest, HUNGARY (2004)
Wolfensteller, U.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Arbitrary motor significance overrides attentional modulation of premotor activation during encoding of visual sequences – An fMRI study. 11th Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco,CA, USA (2004)
Neumann, J.; Lohmann, G.; Derrfuss, J.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Using replicator dynamics for the meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging data. 11th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2004)
Brass, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.: The selection of task-relevant information. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA (2004)
Sakreida, K.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Observation of aimless motion: functional MRI dissociates premotor resonance to distal and proximal body parts. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany (2004)
Tewes, A.; Schubotz, R. I.; Wolfensteller, U.; de Greck, M.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over dorsal premotor areas interferes with visuospatial attention. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen (2004)
Volz, K.; Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: The posterior frontomedian cortex (BA 8m) and uncertainty in decision making. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen (2004)
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