
Poster (3968)

Santi, A.; Friederici, A. D.; Makuuchi, M.; Grodzinsky, Y.: Parameterization of successive-cyclic movement reveals structural constraints on Broca's area in sentence processing. 2nd Annual Neurobiology of Language Conference (NLC), San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Schroeter, M. L.; Dukart, J.; Frisch, S.; Müller, K.; Horstmann, A.; Neumann, J.; Sabri, O.; Villringer, A.: Detecting and dissociating Alzheimer's disease & frontal lobar degeneration - A combined ALE meta-analytic and SVM approach. Annual Meeting of German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotheray and Neurology (DGPPN), Berlin, Germany (2010)
Stockert, A.; Kotz, S. A.: Automatische Detektion von Sequenzverletzung bei Aphasie. 10. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung (GAB), Münster, Germany (2010)
Tausche, P.; Springer, A.; Prinz, W.: Stimulus dynamics and action production modulate internal action simulation. 51. Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society , St. Louis, MO, USA (2010)
Trapp, S.; Lepsien, J.: Attentional selection of mnemonic representations reduces the BOLD response in the intraparietal sulcus. Society for Neuroscience - Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Walter, A.; Rieger, M.: Comparing Movements towards targets and effects: Similar Mechanisms? 51st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, MO, USA (2010)
Weig, E. M.; Arelin, K.; Semler, V.; Spengler, S.; Villringer, A.: Social cognition is impaired besided executive functions in cerebral microangiopathy. Annual Meeting of German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotheray and Neurology (DGPPN), Berlin, Germany (2010)
Ziesche, A.: A computational model of predictive remapping and visual stability in area LIP. 40th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Diersch, N.; Cross, E. S.; Stadler, W.; Rieger, M.; Schütz-Bosbach, S.: The Role of Expertise in an Aging Mind for Simulating the Actions of Others. The Embodied Mind: Perspectives and Limitations, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2010)
Novembre, G.; Ticini, L. F.; Bosbach, S.; Keller, P. E.: Dissociating self- and other-related motor simulation in joint musical performance. The Embodied Mind: Perspective and Limitations, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2010)
Sevdalis, V.; Keller, P. E.: Perceiving performer identity and intention in point-light displays of dance. The Embodied Mind: Perspectives and Limitations, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2010)
Jäger, C.; Holländer, A.; Mueller, K.; Prinz, W.: MY Left Hand does know what YOUR Right Hand is doing. Symposium: The Embodied Mind, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2010)
Diersch, N.; Cross, E. S.; Stadler, W.; Rieger, M.; Schütz-Bosbach, S.: The Role of Expertise in an Aging Mind for Simulating the Actions of Others. MaxNetAging Conference 2010 "Early Life - Late Life: An Interdisciplinary Approach towards Aging" , Schlangenbad, Germany (2010)
Baess, P.; Prinz, W.: When your turn is also in my mind: Agent-based differences in the N1 ERP component. The embodied mind: Perspectives and Limitations, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2010)
Frisch, S.; Vogt, B.; Becker, G.; Barthel, H.; Mueller, K.; Villringer, A.; Sabri, O.; Schroeter, M. L.: Neuronale Korrelate exekutiver Funktionen bei Demenz [Neuronal correlates of executive functions in dementia]. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuropsychology, Magdeburg, Germany (2010)
Horvath, J.; Baess, P.; Maess, B.; Toth, A.: Contiguity, not contingency: N1-suppression for self-initiated sounds. Annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Portland, OR, USA (2010)
Novembre, G.; Ticini, L. F.; Schütz-Bosbach, S.; Keller, P. E.: Dissociating self- and other-related motor simulation in joint musical performance. The Embodied Mind: Perspectives and Limitations, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2010)
Strotseva, A.; Goschler, J.; Stefanowitsch, A.: Is verb meaning really embodied? A failure to replicate Bergen et al. (2007). 4th International Conference of German Cognitive Linguistics Society, Bremen, Germany (2010)
Wu, C.-Y.; E, K.H.F.; Ho, M.-H. R.; Matsuo, K.; Nakai, T.; Chen, S.-H. A.: Effective connectivity underlying phonological selection for Japanese Kanji. Decade of the Mind VI Conference, Singapore (2010)
Dolk, T.; Hommel, B.; Colzato, L.; Schütz-Bosbach, S.; Prinz, W.; Liepelt, R.: How social is the social Simon effect? The Embodied Mind: Perspectives and Limitations, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2010)
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