von links nach rechts: Carla Martin, Aarushi Juyal, Zijian Feng, Rosa Großmann, Karsten Müller, Srividya Athur Sundaram, Lioba Enk, Xia Zhang. nicht dargestellt (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge): Konrad Endres, Kim Hoffmann, Dimitra Kiakou, Aaron Miller.

Publikationen von Maria Poessel

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Poessel, M.; Morys, F.; Breuer, N.; Villringer, A.; Hummel, T.; Horstmann, A.: Brain response to food odors is not associated with body mass index and obesity-related metabolic health measures. Appetite 168, 105774 (2022)
Han, P.; Roitzsch, C.; Horstmann, A.; Poessel, M.; Hummel, T.: Increased brain reward responsivity to food‐related odors in obesity. Obesity 29 (7), S. 1138 - 1145 (2021)
Poessel, M.; Breuer, N.; Joshi, A.; Pampel, A.; Villringer, A.; Hummel, T.; Horstmann, A.: Reduced olfactory bulb volume in obesity and its relation to metabolic health status. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 586998 (2020)
Poessel, M.; Freiherr, J.; Wiencke, K.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.: Insulin resistance is associated with reduced food odor sensitivity across a wide range of body weights. Nutrients 12 (8), 2201 (2020)
Poessel, M.; Freiherr, J.; Horstmann, A.: Rapid assessment of olfactory sensitivity using the “Sniffin’ Sticks”. Chemosensory Perception 13, S. 37 - 44 (2020)
Janssen, L.; Herzog, N.; Waltmann, M.; Breuer, N.; Wiencke, K.; Rausch, F.; Hartmann, H.; Poessel, M.; Horstmann, A.: Lost in translation?: On the need for convergence in animal and human studies on the role of dopamine in diet-induced obesity. Current Addiction Reports 6 (3), S. 229 - 257 (2019)
Horstmann, A.; Dietrich, A.; Mathar, D.; Poessel, M.; Villringer, A.; Neumann, J.: Slave to habit? Obesity is associated with decreased behavioural sensitivity to reward devaluation. Appetite 87, S. 175 - 183 (2015)

Buchkapitel (1)

Poessel, M.: Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch - Unterscheidungsmerkmale in der soziosexuellen Entwicklung von Tätern mit und ohne Pädophilie. In: Grenzverschiebungen des Sexuellen: Perspektiven einer jungen Sexualwissenschaft, Bd. 100, S. 43 - 60 (Hg. Driemeyer, W.; Rustige, L.; Gedrose, B.; Hoyer, A.). Psychosozial-Verlag, Gießen (2015)

Vortrag (1)

Poessel, M.: Insulin resistance is related to olfactory sensitivity for food odors independent of BMI. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), Utrecht, the Netherlands (2019)

Poster (5)

Poessel, M.; Freiherr, J.; Wiencke, K.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.: Insulin resistance is related to olfactory sensitivity to food odors independent of BMI. 16th Leipzig Research Festival of Life Sciences, Studienzentrum der Medizinischen Fakultät, University of Leipzig, Germany (2020)
Breuer, N.; Poessel, M.; Waltmann, M.; Hummel, T.; Horstmann, A.: Neural responses to food odors in obesity: Proposal of an fMRI study. 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting , Helsinki, Finland (2019)
Poessel, M.; Freiherr, J.; Wiencke, K.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.: Insulin resistance is related to olfactory sensitivity to food odors independent of BMI. 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting, Helsinki, Finland (2019)
Poessel, M.; Horstmann, A.: A short procedure for assessing olfactory detection thresholds using the “Sniffin' Sticks” test kit. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), Montréal, QC, Canada (2017)
Horstmann, A.; Dietrich, A.; Mathar, D.; Poessel, M.; Neumann, J.; Villringer, A.: Obesity is associated with decreased behavioural sensitivity to reward devaluation. 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Adipositas Gesellschaft, Leipzig, Germany (2014)
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