Publikationen von Daria Jensen

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Jensen, D.; Ebmeier, K. P.; Suri, S.; Rushworth, M. F. S.; Klein-Flügge, M. C.: Nuclei-specific hypothalamus networks predict a dimensional marker of stress in humans. Nature Communications 15 (1), 2426 (2024)

Preprint (1)

Jensen, D.; Ebmeier, K. P.; Akbaraly, T.; Jansen, M. G.; Singh-Manoux, A.; Kivimäki, M.; Zsoldos, E.; Klein-Flügge, M. C.; Suri, S.: The association of longitudinal diet and waist-to-hip ratio from midlife to old age with hippocampus connectivity and memory in old age: A cohort study. bioRxiv (2023)
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