Publikationen von Julia Sacher

Zeitschriftenartikel (69)

Rosenberg, N.; Ihme, K.; Lichev, V.; Sacher, J.; Rufer, M.; Grabe, H. J.; Kugel, H.; Pampel, A.; Lepsien, J.; Kersting, A. et al.; Villringer, A.; Suslow, T.: Alexithymia and automatic processing of facial emotions: Behavioral and neural findings. BMC Neuroscience 21 (1), 23 (2020)
Hidalgo-Lopez, E.; Mueller, K.; Harris, T.; Aichhorn, M.; Sacher, J.; Pletzer, B.: Human menstrual cycle variation in subcortical functional brain connectivity: A multimodal analysis approach. Brain Structure & Function 225, S. 591 - 605 (2020)
Lewis, C. A.; Kimmig, A.-C.; Zsido, R.; Jank, A.; Derntl, B.; Sacher, J.: Effects of hormonal contraceptives on mood: A focus on emotion recognition and reactivity, reward processing, and stress response. Current Psychiatry Reports 21, 115 (2019)
Slavich, G. M.; Sacher, J.: Stress, sex hormones, inflammation, and major depressive disorder: Extending social signal transduction theory of depression to account for sex differences in mood disorders. Psychopharmacology 236 (10), S. 3063 - 3079 (2019)
Stanikova, D.; Luck, T.; Pabst, A.; Bae, Y. J.; Hinz, A.; Glaesmer, H.; Stanik, J.; Sacher, J.; Engel, C.; Enzenbach, C. et al.; Wirkner, K.; Ceglarek, U.; Thiery, J.; Kratzsch, J.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.: Associations between anxiety, body mass index, and sex hormones in women. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, 479 (2019)
Zsido, R.; Heinrich, M.; Slavich, G. M.; Beyer, F.; Kharabian, S.; Kratzsch, J.; Raschpichler, M.; Mueller, K.; Scharrer, U.; Löffler, M. et al.; Schroeter, M. L.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Witte, A. V.; Sacher, J.: Association of estradiol and visceral fat with structural brain networks and memory performance in adults. JAMA Network Open 2 (6), e196126 (2019)
Beyer, F.; García-García, I.; Heinrich, M.; Schroeter, M. L.; Sacher, J.; Luck, T.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Witte, A. V.: Neuroanatomical correlates of food addiction symptoms and body mass index in the general population. Human Brain Mapping 40 (9), S. 2747 - 2758 (2019)
Stanikova, D.; Zsido, R.; Luck, T.; Pabst, A.; Enzenbach, C.; Bae, Y. J.; Thiery, J.; Ceglarek, U.; Engel, C.; Wirkner, K. et al.; Stanik, J.; Kratzsch, J.; Villringer, A.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.; Sacher, J.: Testosterone imbalance may link depression and increased body weight in premenopausal women. Translational Psychiatry 9, 160 (2019)
Babayan, A.; Erbey, M.; Kumral, D.; Reinelt, J.; Reiter, A.; Röbbig, J.; Schaare, H. L.; Uhlig, M.; Anwander, A.; Bazin, P.-L. et al.; Horstmann, A.; Lampe, L.; Nikulin, V. V.; Okon-Singer, H.; Preusser, S.; Pampel, A.; Rohr, C. S.; Sacher, J.; Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.; Trapp, S.; Nierhaus, T.; Altmann, D.; Arélin, K.; Blöchl, M.; Bongartz, E.; Breig, P.; Cesnaite, E.; Chen , S.; Cozatl, R.; Czerwonatis, S.; Dambrauskaite, G.; Paerisch, M.; Enders , J.; Engelhardt , M.; Fischer , M. M.; Forschack, N.; Golchert, J.; Golz, L.; Guran, C. A.; Hedrich, S.; Hentschel, N.; Hoffmann , D. I.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Jost , R.; Kosatschek, A.; Kunzendorf, S.; Lammers, H.; Lauckner, M.; Mahjoory, K.; Kanaan, A. S.; Mendes, N.; Menger, R.; Morino, E.; Naethe, K.; Neubauer , J.; Noyan, H.; Oligschläger, S.; Panczyszyn-Trzewik, P.; Poehlchen, D.; Putzke, N.; Roski, S.; Schaller , M.-C.; Schieferbein, A.; Schlaak, B.; Schmidt, R.; Gorgolewski, K. J.; Schmidt, H. M.; Schrimpf, A.; Stasch, S.; Voss, M.; Wiedemann, A.; Margulies, D. S.; Gaebler, M.; Villringer, A.: A mind-brain-body dataset of MRI, EEG, cognition, emotion, and peripheral physiology in young and old adults. Scientific Data 6, 180308 (2019)
Zsido, R.; Villringer, A.; Sacher, J.: Using position emission tomography to investigate hormone-mediated neurochemical changes across the female lifespan: Implications for depression. International Review of Psychiatry 29 (6), S. 580 - 596 (2017)
Polyakova, M.; Schlögl , H.; Sacher, J.; Schmidt-Kassow , M.; Kaiser, J.; Stumvoll, M.; Kratzsch, J.; Schroeter, M. L.: Stability of BDNF in human samples stored up to 6 months and correlations of serum and EDTA-plasma concentrations. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (6), 1189 (2017)
Barth, C.; Steele, C.; Mueller, K.; Rekkas, V. P.; Arelin, K.; Pampel, A.; Burmann, I.; Kratzsch, J.; Villringer, A.; Sacher, J.: In-vivo dynamics of the human hippocampus across the menstrual cycle. Scientific Reports 6, 32833 (2016)
Mueller, K.; Arélin, K.; Möller, H. E.; Sacher, J.; Kratzsch, J.; Luck, T.; Riedel-Heller, S.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Serum BDNF correlates with connectivity in the (pre)motor hub in the aging human brain: A resting-state fMRI pilot study. Neurobiology of Aging 38, S. 181 - 187 (2016)
Sacher, J.; Barth, C.; Villringer, A.: Wie beeinflussen Sexualhormone Gehirn und Verhalten? Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 2016 (2016)
Schroeter, M. L.; Mueller, K.; Arélin, K.; Sacher, J.; Holiga, Š.; Kratzsch, J.; Luck, T.; Riedel-Heller, S.; Villringer, A.: Serum neuron-specific enolase is related to cerebellar connectivity: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging pilot study. Journal of Neurotrauma 32 (17), S. 1380 - 1384 (2015)
Lichev, V.; Sacher, J.; Ihme, K.; Rosenberg, N.; Quirin, M.; Lepsien, J.; Pampel, A.; Rufer, M.; Grabe, H.-J.; Kugel, H. et al.; Kersting, A.; Villringer, A.; Lane, R. D.; Suslow, T.: Automatic emotion processing as a function of trait emotional awareness: An fMRI study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10 (5), S. 680 - 689 (2015)
Arélin, K.; Mueller, K.; Barth, C.; Rekkas, P. V.; Kratzsch, J.; Burmann, I.; Villringer, A.; Sacher, J.: Progesterone mediates brain functional connectivity changes during the menstrual cycle: A pilot resting state MRI study. Frontiers in Neuroscience 9, 44 (2015)
Barth, C.; Villringer, A.; Sacher, J.: Sex hormones affect neurotransmitters and shape the adult female brain during hormonal transition periods. Frontiers in Neuroscience 9, 37 (2015)
Sacher, J.; Rekkas, V. P.; Wilson, A. A.; Houle, S.; Romano, L.; Hamidi, J.; Rusjan, P.; Fan, I.; Stewart, D. E.; Meyer, J. H.: Relationship of monoamine oxidase: A distribution volume to postpartum depression and postpartum crying. Neuropsychopharmacology 40 (2), S. 429 - 435 (2015)
Ihme, K.; Sacher, J.; Lichev, V.; Rosenberg, N.; Kugel, H.; Rufer, M.; Grabe, H.-J.; Pampel, A.; Lepsien, J.; Kersting, A. et al.; Villringer, A.; Lane, R. D.; Suslow, T.: Alexithymic features and the labeling of brief emotional facial expressions: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia 64, S. 289 - 299 (2014)
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