Publikationen von Matthias L. Schroeter

Zeitschriftenartikel (242)

Hüper, L.; Steinacker, P.; Polyakova, M.; Mueller, K.; Godulla, J.; Herzig, S.; Danek, A.; Engel, A.; Diehl‐Schmid, J.; Classen, J. et al.; Fassbender, K.; Fliessbach, K.; Jahn, H.; Kassubek, J.; Kornhuber, J.; Landwehrmeyer, B.; Lauer, M.; Obrig, H.; Oeckl, P.; Prudlo, J.; Saur, D.; Anderl‐Straub, S.; Synofzik, M.; Wagner, M.; Wiltfang, J.; Winkelmann, J.; Volk, A. E.; FTLD Consortium Germany; Huppertz, H.; Otto, M.; Schroeter, M. L.: Neurofilaments and progranulin are related to atrophy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration – A transdiagnostic study cross‐validating atrophy and fluid biomarkers. Alzheimer's & Dementia 20 (7), S. 4461 - 4475 (2024)
Hinz, A.; Friedrich, M.; Glaesmer, H.; Brendel, B.; Nesterko, Y.; Ernst, J.; Schroeter, M. L.; Mehnert-Theuerkauf, A.: Temporal stability of optimism and pessimism (LOT-R) over 6 years in the general population. Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1379651 (2024)
Bischof, G. N.; Brendel, M.; Barthel, H.; Theis, H.; Barbe, M.; Bartenstein, P.; Claasen, J.; Danek, A.; Höglinger, G.; Levin, J. et al.; Marek, K.; Neumaier, B.; Palleis, C.; Patt, M.; Rullmann, M.; Saur, D.; Schroeter, M. L.; Seibyl, J.; Song, M.; Stephens, A.; Sabri, O.; Drzezga, A.; van Eimeren, T.: Improved tau PET SUVR quantification in 4-repeat tau phenotypes with [18F]PI-2620. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 65 (6), S. 952 - 955 (2024)
Ferschmann, C.; Messerschmidt, K.; Gnörich, J.; Barthel, H.; Marek, K.; Palleis, C.; Katzdobler, S.; Stockbauer, A.; Fietzek, U.; Finze, A. et al.; Biechele, G.; Rumpf, J.-J.; Saur, D.; Schroeter, M. L.; Rullmann, M.; Beyer, L.; Eckenweber, F.; Wall, S.; Schildan, A.; Patt, M.; Stephens, A.; Classen, J.; Bartenstein, P.; Seibyl, J.; Franzmeier, N.; Levin, J.; Höglinger, G. U.; Sabri, O.; Brendel, M.; Scheifele, M.; German Imaging Initiative for Tauopathies (GII4T): Tau accumulation is associated with dopamine deficiency in vivo in four-repeat tauopathies. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 51 (7), S. 1909 - 1922 (2024)
Hussenoeder, F. S.; Conrad, I.; Löbner, M.; Engel, C.; Reyes, N.; Yahiaoui‐Doktor, M.; Glaesmer, H.; Hinz, A.; Witte, A. V.; Schroeter, M. L. et al.; Medawar, E.; Wichmann, G.; Kirsten, T.; Löffler, M.; Villringer, A.; Riedel‐Heller, S. G.: The different areas of chronic stress and food addiction: Results from the LIFE‐Adult‐Study. Stress and Health 40 (3), e3348 (2024)
Hahn, L.; Eickhoff, S. B.; Mueller, K.; Schilbach, L.; Barthel, H.; Fassbender, K.; Fliessbach, K.; Kornhuber, J.; Prudlo, J.; Synofzik, M. et al.; Wiltfang, J.; Diehl-Schmid, J.; FTLD Consortium; Otto, M.; Dukart, J.; Schroeter, M. L.: Resting-state alterations in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia are related to the distribution of monoamine and GABA neurotransmitter systems. eLife 13, e86085 (2024)
Hinz, A.; Esser, P.; Friedrich, M.; Glaesmer, H.; Mehnert-Theuerkauf, A.; Schroeter, M. L.; Petrowski, K.; Toussaint, A.: Changes in anxiety in the general population over a six-year period. PLoS One 18 (9), e0291206 (2023)
Wittekind, D. A.; Kratzsch, J.; Mergl, R.; Baber, R.; Wirkner, K.; Schroeter, M. L.; Witte, A. V.; Villringer, A.; Kluge, M.: Leptin, but not ghrelin, is associated with food addiction scores in a population-based subject sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, 1200021 (2023)
Semenkova, A.; Piguet, O.; Johnen, A.; Schroeter, M. L.; Godulla, J.; Linnemann, C.; Mühlhauser, M.; Sauer, T.; Baumgartner, M.; Anderl-Straub, S. et al.; Otto, M.; Felbecker, A.; Kressig, R. W.; Berres, M.; Sollberger, M.: The Behavioural Dysfunction Questionnaire discriminates behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia from Alzheimer's disease dementia and major depressive disorder. Journal of Neurology 270 (7), S. 3433 - 3441 (2023)
Bachmann, T.; Schroeter, M. L.; Chen, K.; Reiman, E. M.; Weise, C. M.: Longitudinal changes in surface based brain morphometry measures in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. NeuroImage: Clinical 38, 103371 (2023)
Hasting, A. S.; Herzig, S.; Obrig, H.; Schroeter, M. L.; Villringer, A.; Thöne-Otto, A. I. T.: The Leipzig treatment program for interdisciplinary diagnosis and therapy of neurocognitive post-COVID symptoms. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 34 (2), S. 71 - 83 (2023)
Bussy, A.; Levy, J. P.; Best, T.; Patel, R.; Cupo, L.; Van Langenhove, T.; Nielsen, J. E.; Pijnenburg, Y.; Waldö, M. L.; Remes, A. M. et al.; Schroeter, M. L.; Santana, I.; Pasquier, F.; Otto, M.; Danek, A.; Levin, J.; Le Ber, I.; Vandenberghe, R.; Synofzik, M.; Moreno, F.; de Mendonça, A.; Sanchez‐Valle, R.; Laforce, R.; Langheinrich, T.; Gerhard, A.; Graff, C.; Butler, C. R.; Sorbi, S.; Jiskoot, L.; Seelaar, H.; van Swieten, J. C.; Finger, E.; Tartaglia, M. C.; Masellis, M.; Tiraboschi, P.; Galimberti, D.; Borroni, B.; Rowe, J. B.; Bocchetta, M.; Rohrer, J. D.; Devenyi, G. A.; Chakravarty, M. M.; Ducharme, S.; GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI); Esteve, A. S.; Nelson, A.; Bouzigues, A.; Heller, C.; Greaves, C. V.; Cash, D.; Thomas, D. L.; Todd, E.; Benotmane, H.; Zetterberg, H.; Swift, I. J.; Nicholas, J.; Samra, K.; Russell, L. L.; Bocchetta, M.; Shafei, R.; Convery, R. S.; Timberlake, C.; Cope, T.; Rittman, T.; Benussi, A.; Premi, E.; Gasparotti, R.; Archetti, S.; Gazzina, S.; Cantoni, V.; Arighi, A.; Fenoglio, C.; Scarpini, E.; Fumagalli, G.; Borracci, V.; Rossi, G.; Giaccone, G.; Di Fede, G.; Caroppo, P.; Tiraboschi, P.; Prioni, S.; Redaelli, V.; Tang‐Wai, D.; Rogaeva, E.; Castelo‐Branco, M.; Freedman, M.; Keren, R.; Black, S.; Mitchell, S.; Shoesmith, C.; Bartha, R.; Rademakers, R.; Poos, J.; Papma, J. M.; Giannini, L.; van Minkelen, R.; Pijnenburg, Y.; Nacmias, B.; Ferrari, C.; Polito, C.; Lombardi, G.; Bessi, V.; Veldsman, M.; Andersson, C.; Thonberg, H.; Öijerstedt, L.; Jelic, V.; Thompson, P.; Langheinrich, T.; Lladó, A.; Antonell, A.; Olives, J.; Balasa, M.; Bargalló, N.; Borrego‐Ecija, S.; Verdelho, A.; Maruta, C.; Ferreira, C. B.; Miltenberger, G.; do Couto, F. S.; Gabilondo, A.; Gorostidi, A.; Villanua, J.; Cañada, M.; Tainta, M.; Zulaica, M.; Barandiaran, M.; Alves, P.; Bender, B.; Wilke, C.; Graf, L.; Vogels, A.; Vandenbulcke, M.; Van Damme, P.; Bruffaerts, R.; Poesen, K.; Rosa‐Neto, P.; Gauthier, S.; Camuzat, A.; Brice, A.; Bertrand, A.; Funkiewiez, A.; Rinaldi, D.; Saracino, D.; Colliot, O.; Sayah, S.; Prix, C.; Wlasich, E.; Wagemann, O.; Loosli, S.; Schönecker, S.; Hoegen, T.; Lombardi, J.; Anderl‐Straub, S.; Rollin, A.; Kuchcinski, G.; Bertoux, M.; Lebouvier, T.; Deramecourt, V.; Santiago, B.; Duro, D.; Leitão, M. J.; Almeida, M. R.; Tábuas‐Pereira, M.; Afonso, S.; Engel, A.; Polyakova, M.: Cerebellar and subcortical atrophy contribute to psychiatric symptoms in frontotemporal dementia. Human Brain Mapping 44 (7), S. 2684 - 2700 (2023)
Staiger, A.; Schroeter, M. L.; Ziegler, W.; Pino, D.; Regenbrecht, F.; Schölderle, T.; Rieger, T.; Riedl, L.; Müller-Sarnowski, F.; Diehl-Schmid, J.: Speech motor profiles in primary progressive aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32 (3), S. 1296 - 1321 (2023)
Rodriguez, F. S.; Lampe, L.; Gaebler, M.; Beyer, F.; Baber, R.; Burkhardt, R.; Schroeter, M. L.; Engel, C.; Löffler, M.; Thiery, J. et al.; Villringer, A.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.; Witte, A. V.: Differences in white matter hyperintensities in socioeconomically deprived groups: Results of the population-based LIFE Adult Study. International Psychogeriatrics (2023)
Oeckl, P.; Anderl-Straub, S.; Danek, A.; Diehl-Schmid, J.; Fassbender, K.; Fliessbach, K.; Halbgebauer, S.; Huppertz, H.-J.; Jahn, H.; Kassubek, J. et al.; Kornhuber, J.; Landwehrmeyer, B.; Lauer, M.; Prudlo, J.; Schneider, A.; Schroeter, M. L.; Steinacker, P.; Volk, A. E.; Wagner, M.; Winkelmann, J.; Wiltfang, J.; Ludolph, A. C.; Otto, M.: Relationship of serum beta-synuclein with blood biomarkers and brain atrophy. Alzheimer's and Dementia 19 (4), S. 1358 - 1371 (2023)
Mueller, K.; Thiel, F.; Taskin, B.; Beutner, F.; Teren, A.; Dubovoy, V. K.; Möller, H. E.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Brain dysconnectivity with heart failure. Brain Communications 5 (2), fcad103 (2023)
Chapman, C.; Polyakova, M.; Mueller, K.; Weise, C.; Faßbender , K.; Fliessbach, K.; Kornhuber, J.; Lauer, M.; Anderl-Straub, S.; Ludolph, A. et al.; Prudlo, J.; Staiger, A.; Synofzik, M.; Wiltfang, J.; Riedl, L.; Diehl-Schmid, J.; Otto, M.; Danek, A.; FTLD Consortium Germany; Hartwigsen, G.; Schroeter, M. L.: Structural correlates of language processing in primary progressive aphasia. Brain Communications 5 (2), fcad076 (2023)
Cesnaite, E.; Steinfath, T. P.; Jamshidi Idaji, M.; Stephani, T.; Kumral, D.; Haufe, S.; Sander, C.; Hensch, T.; Hegerl, U.; Riedel-Heller, S. et al.; Röhr, S.; Schroeter, M. L.; Witte, A. V.; Villringer, A.; Nikulin, V. V.: Alterations in rhythmic and non-rhythmic resting-state EEG activity and their link to cognition in older age. NeuroImage 268, 119810 (2023)
Engel, C.; Wirkner, K.; Zeynalova, S.; Baber, R.; Binder, H.; Ceglarek, U.; Enzenbach, C.; Fuchs, M.; Hagendorff, A.; Henger, S. et al.; Hinz, A.; Rauscher, F. G.; Reusche, M.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.; Röhr, S.; Sacher, J.; Sander, C.; Schroeter, M. L.; Tarnok, A.; Treudler, R.; Villringer, A.; Wachter, R.; Witte, A. V.; Thiery, J.; Scholz, M.; Loeffler, M.; LIFE-Adult-Study working group: Cohort profile: The LIFE-adult-study. International Journal of Epidemiology 52 (1), S. e66 - e79 (2023)
Schroeter, M. L.; Godulla, J.; Thiel, F.; Taskin, B.; Beutner, F.; Dubovoy, V. K.; Teren, A.; Camilleri, J.; Eickhoff, S.; Villringer, A. et al.; Mueller, K.: Heart failure decouples the precuneus in interaction with social cognition and executive functions. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 1236 (2023)
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