
Zeitschriftenartikel (7940)

Lipschutz, B.; Friston, K. J.; Ashburner, J.; Turner, R.; Price, C. J.: Assessing study-specific regional variations in fMRI signal. NeuroImage 13 (2), S. 392 - 398 (2001)
Lohmann, G.; Müller, K.; Bosch, V.; Mentzel, H.; Hessler, S.; Chen, L.; Zysset, S.; von Cramon, D. Y.: LIPSIA - a new software system for the evaluation of functional magnetic resonance images of the human brain. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 25 (6), S. 449 - 457 (2001)
Maess, B.; Koelsch, S.; Gunter, T. C.; Friederici, A. D.: Musical syntax is processed in Broca's area: an MEG study. Nature Neuroscience 4 (5), S. 540 - 545 (2001)
May, A.; Büchel, C.; Turner, R.: MR-angiography in facial and other pain: neurovascular mechanisms of trigeminal sensation. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 21, S. 1171 - 1176 (2001)
Mazziotta, J. C.; Toga, A. W.; Evans, A.; Fox, P.; Lancaster, J.; Zilles, K.; Woods, R. P.; Paus, T.; Simpson, G.; Pike, B. et al.; Holmes, C.; Collins, L.; Thomson, P.; MacDonald, D.; Iacoboni, M.; Schormann, T.; Amunts, K.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.; Geyer, S.; Parsons, L.; Narr, K.; Kabani, N.; Le Goualher, G.; Feidler, J.; Smith, K.; Boomsma, D.; Hulshoff Pol, H.; Cannon, T.; Kawashima, R.; Mazoyer, B.: A four-dimensional probabilistic atlas of the human brain. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 8, S. 401 - 430 (2001)
Mazziotta, J. C.; Toga, A. W.; Evans, D. J.; Fox, P.; Lancaster, J.; Zilles, K.; Woods, R. P.; Paus, T.; Simpson, G.; Pike, B. et al.; Holmes, C.; Collins, L.; Thomson, P.; MacDonald, D.; Iacoboni, M.; Schormann, T.; Amunts, K.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.; Geyer, S.; Parsons, L.; Narr, K.; Kabani, N.; Le Goualher, G.; Boomsma, D.; Cannon, T.; Kawashima, R.; Mazoyer, B.: A probabilistic atlas and reference system for the human brain: International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series B, Biological Sciences 356, S. 1293 - 1322 (2001)
Mechsner, F.; Kerzel, D.; Knoblich, G.; Prinz, W.: Perceptual basis of bimanual coordination. Nature 414 (6859), S. 69 - 73 (2001)
Mildner, T.; Norris, D. G.; Schwarzbauer, C.; Wiggins, C. J.: A qualitative test of the balloon model for BOLD-based MR signal changes at 3T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 46 (5), S. 891 - 899 (2001)
Möller, H. E.; Hedlund, L. W.; Chen, X. J.; Carey, M. R.; Chawla, M. S.; Wheeler, C. T.; Johnson, G. A.: Measurements of hyperpolarized gas properties in the lung. Part III: 3He T1. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 45 (3), S. 421 - 430 (2001)
Möller, R.: Do insects use templates or parameters for landmark navigation? Journal of Theoretical Biology 210 (1), S. 33 - 45 (2001)
Mordkoff, J. T.; Grosjean, M.: The lateralized readiness potential and response kinetics in response-time tasks. Psychophysiology 38, S. 777 - 786 (2001)
Müller, H. J.; Elliott, M. A.; Herrmann, C. S.; Mecklinger, A.: Neural binding of space and time: An introduction. Visual Cognition 8 (3-5), S. 273 - 285 (2001)
Müller, K.; Lohmann, G.; Bosch, V.; von Cramon, D. Y.: On multivariate spectral analysis of fMRI time series. NeuroImage 14 (2), S. 347 - 356 (2001)
Müller, N. G.; Gruber, O.: High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging reveals symmetric bitemporal cortical necrosis after carbon monoxide intoxication. Journal of Neuroimaging 11 (3), S. 322 - 325 (2001)
Murai, T.; Müller, U.; Werheid, K.; Sorger, D.; Reuter, M.; Becker, T.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Barthel, H.: In vivo evidence for differential association of striatal dopamine and midbrain serotonin systems with neuropsychiatric symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 13 (2), S. 222 - 228 (2001)
Müsseler, J.; Steininger, S.; Wühr, P.: Can actions really affect perceptual processing? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section A: Human Experimental Psychology 54, S. 137 - 154 (2001)
Naji, L.; Trampel, R.; Ngwa, W.; Knauss, R.; Arnold, K.: Studium der Diffusion im Knorpel mit der "PFG" (pulsed-field-gradient)-NMR-Technik. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 11 (3), S. 179 - 186 (2001)
Nattkemper, D.; Prinz, W.: Impact of task demands on spatial stimulus-response compatibility. Zeitschrift für Psychologie 209 (3), S. 205 - 226 (2001)
Neggers, S. F. W.; Bekkering, H.: Gaze anchoring to a pointing target is present during the entire pointing movement and is driven by a non-visual signal. Journal of Neurophysiology 86 (2), S. 961 - 970 (2001)
Nessler, D.; Mecklinger, A.; Penney, T. B.: Event related brain potentials and illusory memories: the effects of differential encoding. Cognitive Brain Research 10 (3), S. 283 - 301 (2001)
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