Zeitschriftenartikel (123)

Keller, P. E.: Attending in complex musical interactions: The adaptive dual role of meter. Australian Journal of Psychology 51, S. 166 - 175 (1999)
Kerzel, D.; Hecht, H.; Kim, N.-G.: Image velocity, not tau, explains arrival-time judgements from global optical flow. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 25 (6), S. 1540 - 1555 (1999)
Kiebel, S. J.; Poline, J. B.; Friston, K. J.; Holmes, A. P.; Worsley, K. J.: Robust smoothness estimation in statistical parametric maps using standardized residuals from the general linear model. NeuroImage 10 (6), S. 756 - 66 (1999)
Knoblich, G.; Ohlsson, S.; Haider, H.; Rhenius, D.: Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 25 (6), S. 1534 - 1555 (1999)
Knösche, T. R.; Maess, B.; Friederici, A. D.: Processing of syntactic information monitored by brain surface current density mapping based on MEG. Brain Topography 12 (2), S. 75 - 87 (1999)
Koelsch, S.; Schröger, E.; Tervaniemi, M.: Superior pre-attentive auditory processing in musicians. NeuroReport 10 (6), S. 1309 - 1313 (1999)
Kotz, S. A.; de Filippis, M.: Spatial selective attention and semantic categorization: An event-related potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Suppl. Suppl. S), S. 51 (1999)
Kotz, S. A.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Is it timing after all? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1), S. 103 - 104 (1999)
Kruggel, F.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Modeling the hemodynamic response in single-trial functional MRI experiments. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 42 (4), S. 787 - 797 (1999)
Kruggel, F.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Temporal properties of the hemodynamic response in functional MRI. Human Brain Mapping 8 (4), S. 259 - 271 (1999)
Kruggel, F.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Descombes, X.: Comparison of filtering methods for fMRI datasets. NeuroImage 10 (5), S. 530 - 543 (1999)
Kunkel, A.; Kopp, B.; Mueller, G.; Villringer, K.; Villringer, A.; Taub, E.; Flor, H.: Constraint-induced movement therapy for motor recovery in chronic stroke patients. Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation 80, S. 624 - 628 (1999)
Lohmann, G.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Steinmetz, H.: Sulcal variability of twins. Cerebral Cortex 9 (7), S. 754 - 763 (1999)
May, A.; Bahra, A.; Buchel, C.; Turner, R.; Goadsby, P. J.: Functional magnetic resonance imaging in spontaneous attacks of SUNCT: Short-lasting neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing. Annals of Neurology 46 (5), S. 791 - 794 (1999)
Mecklinger, A.: Executive Control Functions in Task Switching: Evidence from Brain Injured Patients. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 21, S. 606 - 619 (1999)
Mecklinger, A.; Opitz, B.: fMRI-constrained source analysis: New approach to the brain dynamics underlying deviancy and novelty processing. Psychophysiology 36 (Suppl. Suppl. 1), S. S22 (1999)
Mecklinger, A.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Springer, A.; Matthes-von Cramon, G.: Executive control functions in task switching: Evidence from brain injured patients. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 21 (5), S. 606 - 619 (1999)
Möller, H. E.; Chawla, M. S.; Chen, X. J.; Driehuys, B.; Hedlund, L. W.; Wheeler, C. T.; Johnson, G. A.: Magnetic resonance angiography with hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in a lipid emulsion. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 41 (5), S. 1058 - 1064 (1999)
Möller, H. E.; Chen, X. J.; Chawla, M. S.; Cofer, G. P.; Driehuys, B.; Hedlund, L. W.; Suddarth, S. E.; Johnson, G. A.: Sensitivity and Resolution in 3D NMR microscopy of the lung with hyperpolarized noble gases. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 41 (4), S. 800 - 808 (1999)
Möller, H. E.; Vermathen, P.; Lentschig, M. G.; Schuierer, G.; Schwarz, S.; Wiedermann, D.; Evers, S.; Husstedt, I. W.: Metabolic characterization of AIDS dementia complex by spectroscopic imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 9 (1), S. 10 - 18 (1999)
Möller, R.: Path Planning Using Hardware Time Delays. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 15 (3), S. 588 - 591 (1999)
Möller, R.: Visual homing in analog hardware. International Journal of Neural Systems 9 (5), S. 383 - 389 (1999)
Möller, R.; Maris, M.; Lambrinos, D.: A Neural Model of Landmark Navigation in Insects. Neurocomputing 26-27, S. 801 - 808 (1999)
Müller, U.; Gruber, O.: Präfrontaler Kortex und Schizophrenie. psycho 25 (8), S. 489 - 495 (1999)
Müller, U.; Murai, T.; Bauer-Wittmund, T.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Paroxetine versus citalopram treatment of pathological crying after brain injury. Brain Injury 13 (10), S. 805 - 811 (1999)
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