Vortragender: Evelyn Medawar Gastgeber: Abteilung Neurologie
The OMEGA Lab’s research goal is to investigate lifestyle factors on brain health. In this colloquium, we will report on findings from the GUT-BRAIN study, a MPI in-house conducted double-blind cross-over within-subject designed randomized controlled trial. The study investigates potential effects of a two-week high-fiber diet in overweight healthy adults. We will report on a series of four projects, spanning from cross-sectional to longitudinal analyses. Associations of dietary and serum tyrosine on white matter microstructure and executive function Neurocognitive predictors of food memory Effects of a high-fiber diet on hypothalamic and peripheral inflammation Effects of a high-fiber diet on neural and behavioural correlates of food wanting Further studies on meal choices and methodological advances from the OMEGA Lab will be touched upon briefly. [mehr]
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