Raum: Zoom Meeting Gastgeber: Otto Hahn Gruppe Kognitive Neurogenetik

Sofie Valk | What shapes our brains? First 9 months of the Otto Hahn group cognitive neurogenetics.

Institutskolloquium (intern)
Humans have the ability to generate and experience thoughts and feelings that can be independent of instantaneous input from the environment. These integrative mental processes support adaptation to changing environmental demands, well-being, and, ultimately, survival. Such processes are enabled by the unique structural and functional network organization of the human brain. The goal of the Otto Hahn group is to investigate how (phylo-)genetic and environmental factors shape brain organization. In the current colloquium, I will present the framework of our research approach and show preliminary results of the current group members studying brain asymmetry, brain-body relationships, and the heritability of the hippocampal connectome. [mehr]
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