Vortragender: Dr Guido Seddone Ort: MPI für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften

Dr Guido Seddone | Mind as an Embodied Faculty: on the Biological Interdependence of Mind and Brain


Dr Guido Seddone | On the Neurobiological Requisites of Language Codification

In this talk I will focus on the relation between the biological premises of the mind and the appropriate use of the languages. I will maintain that language acquisition and its correct deployment do not merely rely on the cerebral activities but that they are rather determined by a self-conscious process of codification of practices, uses and information about the outer world by which the rational subject masteries the brain processing itself. Consequently, the brain activities that can be empirically observed and described by natural laws are the outcome of a self-aware governance of the biological requisites by the codification of both the formal and the natural languages and by the constitution of the person as an individual whose linguistic competencies are acknowledged. The advantage of this approach consists in avoiding to represent the brain features as a bare natural phenomenon determined by external causes and to deliver a conception of the cognitive and linguistic faculties as the outcome of the autonomous, social and self-aware embodiment of cognitive skills ruling from within the biological cerebral activity. I will eventually challenge the idea that language understanding is computational and underlie the autonomous and self-aware character of the cognitive disposition. [mehr]
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