Vortragender: PhD Kerrin Pine Raum: Hörsaal (C101)

PhD Kerrin Pine | Acquisition of ultra-high resolution quantitative maps for in-vivo histology

Institutskolloquium (intern)
To better understand the normal and diseased human brain, reliable knowledge at the microstructural level is key. While ex-vivo histology remains the standard, advances in magnetic resonance imaging are making it increasingly possible to directly estimate histological markers and microstructural characteristics of brain tissue non-invasively. We have previously established methods for quantitative mapping of MR parameters at standard resolutions. However, to achieve the goal of integrating multi-modal MRI data into a unified model of MRI contrasts, cortical anatomy and tissue microstructure, unprecedented imaging resolutions will be required. As well as showing some of our latest 400 µm quantitative data, in this presentation I will outline our plans for developing in-vivo histology, and from an MR physics perspective highlight some of the technical challenges. Critical to achieving the necessary data quality are higher field strengths, RF coils, optical prospective motion correction and the retrospective correction of instrumental and physiological artefacts. While there is still much development to be done, data we are now acquiring holds promise for future studies of the microstructure and structure-function relationship of the living human brain. [mehr]
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