Mariya Toneva | Convergence and divergence between language models and human brains


  • Datum: 10.11.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Vortragende(r): Mariya Toneva
  • Max Planck Institute of Software Systems, Saarbrücken, Germany
  • Ort: MPI für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften
  • Raum: Wilhelm Wundt Room (A400) + Zoom Meeting (hybrid mode)
  • Gastgeber: CBS CoCoNUT
"Exploring the Visual System with Functional Digital Twins and Inception Loops”

Language models align to an impressive degree with human behavior and brain recordings elicited by some complex tasks, such as segmenting a natural story into meaningful events and reading a chapter of a book. In this talk, we will discuss some of the existing similarities between language in machines and language in the brain, as well as some of the remaining gaps, with the goal to identify key principles of convergence and divergence between language in machines and language in the brain.
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