Zeitschriftenartikel (176)

Müller, N. G.; Gruber, O.: High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging reveals symmetric bitemporal cortical necrosis after carbon monoxide intoxication. Journal of Neuroimaging 11 (3), S. 322 - 325 (2001)
Murai, T.; Müller, U.; Werheid, K.; Sorger, D.; Reuter, M.; Becker, T.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Barthel, H.: In vivo evidence for differential association of striatal dopamine and midbrain serotonin systems with neuropsychiatric symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 13 (2), S. 222 - 228 (2001)
Müsseler, J.; Steininger, S.; Wühr, P.: Can actions really affect perceptual processing? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section A: Human Experimental Psychology 54, S. 137 - 154 (2001)
Naji, L.; Trampel, R.; Ngwa, W.; Knauss, R.; Arnold, K.: Studium der Diffusion im Knorpel mit der "PFG" (pulsed-field-gradient)-NMR-Technik. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 11 (3), S. 179 - 186 (2001)
Nattkemper, D.; Prinz, W.: Impact of task demands on spatial stimulus-response compatibility. Zeitschrift für Psychologie 209 (3), S. 205 - 226 (2001)
Neggers, S. F. W.; Bekkering, H.: Gaze anchoring to a pointing target is present during the entire pointing movement and is driven by a non-visual signal. Journal of Neurophysiology 86 (2), S. 961 - 970 (2001)
Nessler, D.; Mecklinger, A.; Penney, T. B.: Event related brain potentials and illusory memories: the effects of differential encoding. Cognitive Brain Research 10 (3), S. 283 - 301 (2001)
Neyer, F. J.: Individuum und soziales Netz: Wie sich Persönlichkeit und Beziehungen wechselseitig beeinflussen. Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin 22 (4), S. 319 - 331 (2001)
Norris, D. G.: Implications of bulk motion for diffusion-weighted imaging experiments: Effects, mechanisms, and solutions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 13 (4), S. 486 - 495 (2001)
Norris, D. G.: The effects of microscopic tissue parameters on the diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging experiment. NMR in Biomedicine 14 (2), S. 77 - 93 (2001)
Norris, D. G.; Driesel, W.: Online motion correction for diffusion-weighted imaging using navigator echoes: Application to RARE imaging without sensitivity loss. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 45 (5), S. 729 - 733 (2001)
Nunner-Winkler, G.: Frauen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Familie und Beruf. Max-Planck-Forschung 1, S. 68 - 72 (2001)
Nunner-Winkler, G.; Meyer-Nikele, M.: Moralische Differenz oder geteilte Werte? Empirische Befunde zur Gleichheits-/Differenz-Debatte. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 41, S. 108 - 135 (2001)
Penney, T. B.; Mecklinger, A.; Nessler, D.: Repetition related ERP effects in a visual object target detection task. Cognitive Brain Research 10 (3), S. 239 - 250 (2001)
Ploner, C. J.; Ostendorf, G.; Brandt, S. A.; Gaymard, B. M.; Rivaud-Pechoux, S.; Ploner, M.; Villringer, A.; Pierrot-Deseillingny, C.: Behavioural relevance modulates access to spatial working memory in humans. European Journal of Neuroscience 13, S. 357 - 363 (2001)
Rademacher, J.; Buergel, U.; Geyer, S.; Schormann, T.; Schleicher, A.; Freund, H.-J.; Zilles, K.: Variability and asymmetry in the human precentral motor system - A cytoarchitectonic and myeloarchitectonic brain mapping study. Brain 124, S. 2232 - 2258 (2001)
Ruben, J.; Schwiemann, J.; Deuchert, M.; Meyer, R.; Krause, T.; Curio, G.; Villringer, K.; Kurth, R.; Villringer, A.: Somatotopic organization of human secondary somatosensory cortex. Cerebral Cortex 11 (5), S. 463 - 473 (2001)
Schirmer, A.; Alter, K.; Kotz, S. A.; Friederici, A. D.: Lateralization of prosody during language production: A lesion study. Brain and Language 76 (1), S. 1 - 17 (2001)
Schlesewsky, M.; Frisch, S.; Bornkessel, I.: Das Problem mit syntaktischen Funktionsambiguitäten: Eine kritische Betrachtung zu einem Überblick von Bader/Meng/Bayer/Hopf. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 20, S. 251 - 265 (2001)
Schroeter, M. L.; Müller, S.; Lindenau, J.; Wiesner, B.; Hanisch, U. K.; Wolf, G.; Blasig, I. E.: Astrocytes induce manganese superoxide dismutase in brain capillary endothelial cells. NeuroReport 12 (11), S. 2513 - 2517 (2001)
Schubö, A.; Aschersleben, G.; Prinz, W.: Interactions between perception and action in a reaction task with overlapping S-R assignments. Psychological Research 65 (3), S. 145 - 157 (2001)
Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Functional organization of the lateral premotor cortex: fMRI reveals different regions activated by anticipation of object properties, location and speed. Cognitive Brain Research 11 (1), S. 97 - 112 (2001)
Schubotz, R. I.; von Cramon, D. Y.: Interval and ordinal properties of sequences are associated with distinct premotor areas. Cerebral Cortex 11 (3), S. 210 - 222 (2001)
Schürmann, M.; Nikulin, V. V.; Soljanlahti, S.; Ollikainen, M.; Başar, E.; Ilmoniemi, R. J.: EEG responses to combined somatosensory and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (1), S. 19 - 24 (2001)
Shiller, D. M.; Ostry, D. J.; Gribble, P. L.; Laboissière, R.: Compensation for the effects of head acceleration on jaw movement in speech. The Journal of Neuroscience 21 (16), S. 6447 - 6456 (2001)
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