Zeitschriftenartikel (8023)

Ullrich, K.; Fünders, B.; Weglage, J.; Hahn-Ullrich, H.; Koch, H. G.; Möller, H. E.; Bick, U.; Schuierer, G.; Ludolph, A. C.: Magnetic resonance imaging and proton spectroscopy in PKU. International Pediatrics 10 (1), S. 95 - 99 (1995)
Villringer, A.; Dirnagl, U.: Coupling of brain activity and cerebral blood flow: Basis of functional neuroimaging. Cerebrovasculare and Brain Metabolism Reviews 7, S. 240 - 276 (1995)
Vogt, S.: On relations between perceiving, imagining and performing in the learning of cyclical movement sequences. British Journal of Psychology 86 (2), S. 191 - 216 (1995)
Vos, P. G.; Mates, J.; Vankruysbergen, N. W.: The Perceptual Center of a Stimulus as the Cue for Synchronization to a Metronome - Evidence from Asynchronies. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A-Human Experimental Psychology 48 (4), S. 1024 - 1040 (1995)
Weinert, F. E.; Helmke, A.: Interclassroom differences in instructional quality and interindividual differences in cognitive development. Educational Psychologist 30 (1), S. 15 - 20 (1995)
Weinert, F. E.; Helmke, A.: Learning from wise Mother Nature or Big Brother Instructor: The wrong choice as seen from an educational perspective. Educational Psychologist 30 (3), S. 135 - 142 (1995)
Wulf, G.: Lernen von generalisierten motorischen Programmen und Bewegungsparametern. Psychologische Beitraege 37 (3-4), S. 498 - 537 (1995)
Wulf, G.; Horstmann, G.; Choi, B.: Does Mental Practice Work Like Physical Practice without Information Feedback. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 66 (3), S. 262 - 267 (1995)
Asendorpf, J. B.: The malleability of behavioral inhibition: A study of individual developmental functions. Developmental Psychology 30 (6), S. 912 - 919 (1994)
Asendorpf, J. B.; van Aken, M. A. G.: Traits and relationship status: Stranger versus peer group inhibition and test intelligence versus peer group competence as early predictors of later self-esteem. Child Development 65 (6), S. 1786 - 1798 (1994)
Asendorpf, J. B.; Weber, A.; Burkhardt, K.: Zur Mehrdeutigkeit projektiver Testergebnisse: Motiv-Projektion oder Thema-Sensitivität? Zeitschrift fuer Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie 15 (3), S. 155 - 165 (1994)
Balaban, R. S.; Taylor, J. F.; Turner, R.: Effect Of Cardiac Flow On Gradient Recalled Echo Images Of The Canine Heart. NMR in Biomedicine 7 (1-2), S. 89 - 95 (1994)
Beckmann, J.: Ruminative thought and the deactivation of an intention. Motivation and Emotion 18 (4), S. 317 - 334 (1994)
Beckmann, J.: Wer nur darauf wartet, selbst etwas zu sagen, ist ein schlechter Zuhörer. Zeitschrift fuer Sozialpsychologie 25 (4), S. 315 - 325 (1994)
Clements, W. A.; Perner, J.: Implicit Understanding of Belief. Cognitive Development 9 (4), S. 377 - 395 (1994)
Deubel, H.; Schneider, W. X.: Perceptual stability and postsaccadic visual information: Can man bridge a gap? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2), S. 259 - 260 (1994)
Deubel, H.; Schneider, W. X.; Bridgeman, B.: Stimulus Blanking Diminishes Saccadic Suppression of Image Displacement. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35 (4), S. 2033 - 2033 (1994)
Dirnagl, U.; Lindauer, U.; Them, A.; Pfister, H. W.; Einhaeupl, K. M.; Villringer, A.: Subsurface microscopical visualization of brain tissue in vivo: present, problems, and prospects. Micron 24, S. 611 - 622 (1994)
Dirnagl, U.; Niwa, K.; Lindauer, U.; Villringer, A.: Coupling of cerebral blood flow to neuronal activation: role of adenosine and nitric oxide. American Journal of Physiology 267, S. H296 - H301 (1994)
Dirnagl, U.; Niwa, K.; Sixt, G.; Villringer, A.: Cortical hypoperfusion after global forebrain ischemia in rats is not caused by microvascular leukocyte plugging. Stroke 25, S. 1028 - 1038 (1994)
Friston, K. J.; Jezzard, P.; Turner, R.: The analysis of functional MRI time series. Human Brain Mapping (1), S. 153 - 171 (1994)
Grigutsch, M.; Klöpper, N.; Schmiedel, H.; Stannarius, R.: Transient structures in the twist Freedericksz transition of low-molecular-weight nematic liquid crystals. Physical Review E 5452-5461 (1994)
Hommel, B.: Effects of Irrelevant Spatial S-R Compatibility Depend on Stimulus Complexity. Psychological Research 56 (3), S. 179 - 184 (1994)
Hommel, B.: Spontaneous decay of response-code activation. Psychological Research 56 (4), S. 261 - 268 (1994)
Jarema, G.; Friederici, A. D.: Processing articles and pronouns in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from French. Brain and Language 46, S. 683 - 694 (1994)
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