
Poster (3968)

Sevdalis, V.; Keller, P. E.: Captured by motion: Dance, action understanding, and social cognition. Joint Action Meeting IV, Vienna, Austria (2011)
Sevdalis, V.; Keller, P. E.: Captured by motion: Dance, action understanding, and social cognition. 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, Toulouse, France (2011)
Stikov, N.; Sveinsson, B.; Tardif, C.; Dougherty, R. F.; Pike, G. B.: Modeling g-ratio measurements in demyelinating diseases. International Workshop on Advanced White Matter Imaging, ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine) White Matter Study Group, Reykjavik (2011)
Tardif, C.; Stikov, N.; Levesque, I.; Pike, G. B.: Impact of three B1 mapping techniques on variable flip angle T1 measurements. 19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada (2011)
Thiel, F.; Frisch, S.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Memory deficits relating to gray matter changes in Herpes Simplex Encephalitis. 26th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuropsychology, Aachen, Germany (2011)
Thiel, S. D.; Nierhaus, T.; Preusser, S.; Kalberlah, C.; Neumann, J.; Nikulin, V. V.; van der Meer, E.; Villringer, A.; Pleger, B.: The neurophysiology of spatial somatosensory decision making in humans. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec, QC, Canada (2011)
Vollmann, H.; Conde, V.; Sehm, B.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.: Anodal tDCS over supplementary motor area (SMA) enhances visuomotor learning. 55th Annual Meeting of Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging, Münster, Germany (2011)
Zmyj, N.; Prinz, W.; Daum, M. M.: The relation between false-belief understanding and inhibitory control in 18-month-old infants. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montréal, QC, Canada (2011)
Frisch, S.; Dukart, J.; Vogt, B.; Mueller, K.; Seese, A.; Barthel, H.; Villringer, A.; Sabri, O.; Schroeter, M. L.: Networks of verbal and visual memory in early neurodegenerative disorders. Congress of the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Frisch, S.; Sehm, B.; Thöne, A. I. T.; Horstmann, A.; Villringer, A.; Obrig, H.: A case study on focal retrograde amnesia. Congress of the German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Schindler, S.; Anwander, A.; Petzold, F.; Knösche, T. R.; Hegerl, U.; Turner, R.; Geyer, S.: Diffusions-gewichtete in-vivo-Darstellung von Subregionen des Hypothalamus. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) Kongress, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Thiel, F.; Frisch, S.; Horstmann, A.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Neural correlates of memory deficits in Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: A neuropsychological and VBM study. Congress of the German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Stahl, B.; Kotz, S. A.; Regenbrecht, F.; Turner, R.; Geyer, S.: Therapie nicht-flüssiger Aphasie durch Melodie und Rhythmus: Warum melodische Intonation womöglich nicht das Geheimnis ist. 4. Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik, Potsdam, Germany (2010)
Anwander, A.; Knösche, T. R.; Axer, H.; Kotz, S. A.: Mapping the intrinsic structure of the caudate nucleus. 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Obleser, J.; Weisz, N.: Differential influence of spectral and temporal features of speech on human oscillatory brain dynamics. Neurobiology of Language Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Arelin, K.; Semler, V.; Frisch, S.; Weig, E. M.; Spengler, S.; Villringer, A.; Schroeter, M. L.: Healthy aging affects social cognition and executive functions. Annual Meeting of German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN), Berlin, Germany (2010)
Bacha-Trams, M.; Zilles, K.; Amunts , K.; Friederici, A. D.: Neurotransmitter receptor distribution and functional activations found in Broca‟s region. Neuroscience 2010 - 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Baess, P.; Prinz, W.: Twin compatibilities in joint action tasks. 51st Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, MO, USA (2010)
Bahlmann, J.; Korb, F. M.; Friederici, A. D.: Higher levels of control abstraction trigger activity of the fronto-polar cortex. Neuroscience 2010 - 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
Fairhurst, M. T.; Janata, P.; Stelzer, J.; Keller, P. E.: Neural correlates of dynamic cooperativity: an FMRI investigation of synchronized finger tapping with an adaptive “virtual partner” to explore leader-follower relationships. Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting 2010, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)
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