Publikationen von Veronika Engert

Zeitschriftenartikel (66)

Engert, V.; Blasberg, J. U.; Köhne, S.; Strauss, B.; Rosendahl, J.: Resilience and personality as predictors of the biological stress load during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. Translational Psychiatry 11, 443 (2021)
Puhlmann, L. M.; Linz, R.; Valk, S. L.; Vrticka, P.; Vos de Wael, R.; Bernasconi, A.; Bernasconi, N.; Caldairou, B.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P. et al.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Singer, T.; Engert, V.: Association between hippocampal structure and serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in healthy adults: A registered report. NeuroImage 236, 118011 (2021)
Linz, R.; Pauly, R.; Smallwood, J.; Engert, V.: Mind-wandering content differentially translates from the lab to daily life and relates to subjective stress experience. Psychological Research 85 (2), S. 649 - 659 (2021)
Engert, V.; Grant, J.; Strauss, B.: Psychosocial factors in disease and treatment: A call for the biopsychosocial model. JAMA Psychiatry 77 (10), S. 996 - 997 (2020)
Puhlmann, L. M.; Engert, V.; Apostolakou, F.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P.; Vrticka, P.; Singer, T.: Only vulnerable adults show change in chronic low-grade inflammation after contemplative mental training: Evidence randomized clinical trial. Scientific Reports 9, 19323 (2019)
Puhlmann, L. M.; Valk, S. L.; Engert, V.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Lin, J.; Epel, E. S.; Vrticka, P.; Singer, T.: Association of short-term change in leukocyte telomere length with cortical thickness change and outcomes of mental training among healthy adults: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open 2 (9), e199687 (2019)
Linz, R.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Apostolakou, F.; Mantzou, E.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.: Acute psychosocial stress increases serum BDNF levels: An antagonistic relation to cortisol but no group differences after mental training. Neuropsychopharmacology 44, S. 1797 - 1804 (2019)
Singer, T.; Engert, V.: It matters what you practice: Differential training effects on subjective experience, behavior, brain and body in the ReSource Project. Current Opinion in Psychology 28, S. 151 - 158 (2019)
Engert, V.; Linz, R.; Grant, J.: Embodied stress: The physiological resonance of psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology 105, S. 138 - 146 (2019)
Przyrembel, M.; Vrticka, P.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.: Loving-kindness meditation - A queen of hearts?: A physio-phenomenological investigation on the variety of experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (7-8), S. 95 - 129 (2019)
Linz, R.; Singer, T.; Engert, V.: Interactions of momentary thought content and subjective stress predict cortisol fluctuations in a daily life experience sampling study. Scientific Reports 8, 15462 (2018)
Engert, V.; Kok, B. E.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Stalder, T.; Kirschbaum, C.; Papanastasopoulou, C.; Papassotiriou, I.; Pervanidou, P.; Chrousos, G. P.; Singer, T.: Exploring the multidimensional complex systems structure of the stress response and its relation to health and sleep outcomes. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 73, S. 390 - 402 (2018)
Miller, R.; Wojtyniak, J.-G.; Weckesser, L. J.; Alexander, N. C.; Engert, V.; Lehr, T.: How to disentangle psychobiological stress reactivity and recovery: A comparison of model-based and non-compartmental analyses of cortisol concentrations. Psychoneuroendocrinology 90, S. 194 - 210 (2018)
Engert, V.; Ragsdale, A. M.; Singer, T.: Cortisol stress resonance in the laboratory is associated with inter-couple diurnal cortisol covariation in daily life. Hormones and Behavior 98, S. 183 - 190 (2018)
Engert, V.; Kok, B. E.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P.; Singer, T.: Specific reduction in cortisol stress reactivity after social but not attention-based mental training. Science Advances 3 (10), e1700495 (2017)
Engert, V.; Koester, A. M.; Riepenhausen, A.; Singer, T.: Boosting recovery rather than buffering reactivity: Higher stress-induced oxytocin secretion is associated with increased cortisol reactivity and faster vagal recovery after acute psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, S. 111 - 120 (2016)
Dedovic, K.; Giebl, S.; Duchesne, A.; Lue, S. D.; Andrews, J.; Efanov, S.; Engert, V.; Beaudry, T.; Baldwin, M. W.; Pruessner, J. C.: Psychological, endocrine, and neural correlates of attentional bias in subclinical depression. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping 29 (5), S. 479 - 496 (2016)
Steinbeis, N.; Engert, V.; Linz, R.; Singer, T.: The effects of stress and affiliation on social decision-making: Investigating the tend-and-befriend pattern. Psychoneuroendocrinology 62, S. 138 - 148 (2015)
Radenbach, C.; Reiter, A.; Engert, V.; Sjoerds, Z.; Villringer, A.; Heinze, H.-J.; Deserno, L.; Schlagenhauf, F.: The interaction of acute and chronic stress impairs model-based behavioral control. Psychoneuroendocrinology 53, S. 268 - 280 (2015)
Engert, V.; Smallwood, J.; Singer, T.: Mind your thoughts: Associations between self-generated thoughts and stress-induced and baseline levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase. Biological Psychology 103, S. 283 - 291 (2014)
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