
Vortrag (51)

Daum, M. M.: Entwicklung von Wahrnehmung und Produktion menschlicher Handlungen. München (2006)
Daum, M. M.: Development of the representation and localization of moving objects. Zürich (2003)
Daum, M. M.: Intuitive Physik - Die Entwicklung des Wissens über dynamische Vorgänge. Freiburg (2003)

Poster (56)

Melzer, A.; Daum, M. M.: Use of auditory and visual cues during observation of conversations in young children and adults. 13th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Oxford, United Kingdom (2012)
Attig, M.; Henrichs, I.; Elsner, B.; Daum, M. M.: The development of action perception: Disentangling identity and location of action goals. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany (2012)
Gampe, A.; Daum, M. M.: Embodied language understanding in infancy. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Mannheim, Germany (2012)
Wronski, C.; Daum, M. M.: Action observation: Spatial cueing by dynamic stimuli. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany (2012)
Wronski, C.; Daum, M. M.: Motion cues evoke anticipatory shifts of covert attention during action observation. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary (2012)
Gampe, A.; Daum, M. M.: Das Zusammenspiel von Sprache, Handlungsverständnis und Handlungsproduktion in der Entwicklung [The interplay of language, action perception and action production in development]. 20. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie der DGPs, Erfurt, Germany (2011)
Wronski, C.; Daum, M. M.: Frühkindliche Handlungswahrnehmung: Der Einfluss von Bewegung auf verdeckte Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse (Action perception in infancy: The influence of motion on covert attentional processes). 20. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie der DGPs, Erfurt, Germany (2011)
Wronski, C.; Daum, M. M.: Action observation in infancy: The influence of motion on covert attentional shifts. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway (2011)
Marsh, L.; Daum, M. M.; Springer, A.; Prinz, W.; Hamilton, A.: Eye tracking evidence for action simulation. 18th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting (CNS), San Francisco, California, CA, USA (2011)
Attig, M.; Prinz, W.; Gredebäck, G.; Daum, M. M.: Zwei Akteure, zwei Ziele: Die Entwicklung der Antizipation von zielgerichteten Handlungen. [Two agents, two goals: The development of anticipation of goal-directed actions]. 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog/innen, Halle/Saale, Germany (2011)
Daum, M. M.; Beisert, M.; Liepelt, R.; Jung, F.; Zmyj, N.; Prinz, W.: An attentional approach to rational imitation in 14-month-old infants. 2011 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Daum, M. M.; Schenk, A.; Prinz, W.; Gredebäck, G.: The development of grasping comprehension in infancy: Teaching reversed grasp-target relations. 2011 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Daum, M. M.; Ulber, J.; Prinz, W.; Gredebäck, G.: The development of pointing comprehension in infancy: Communicative speech supports shifts of covert attention. 2011 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Gampe, A.; Daum, M. M.: Der Einfluss von Sprache auf die frühkindliche Handlungswahrnehmung [The influence of language on action perception in infants]. 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Halle/Saale, Germany (2011)
Henning, A.; Daum, M. M.; Aschersleben, G.: Understanding of physical causality in preschoolers. 2011 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Melzer, A.; Oberecker, R.; Keitel, C.; Prinz, W.; Daum, M. M.: Neurophysiological correlates of the processing of reaching movements in development. 2011 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Attig, M.; Henrichs, I.; Elsner, B.; Daum, M. M.: The understanding of goal-directed actions in young children: Disentangling the role of goal identity and goal location. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary (2011)
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