Brain Networks

Publikationen von Felicitas Grundeis

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Kumar, S.; Grundeis, F.; Brand, C.; Hwang, H.-J.; Mehnert, J.; Pleger, B.: Satiety-induced enhanced neuronal activity in the frontal operculum relates to the desire for food in the obese female brain. Experimental Brain Research 236 (10), S. 2553 - 2562 (2018)
Grundeis, F.; Brand, C.; Kumar, S.; Rullmann, M.; Mehnert, J.; Pleger, B.: Non-invasive prefrontal/frontal brain stimulation is not effective in modulating food reappraisal abilities or calorie consumption in obese females. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11, 334 (2017)
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