Brain Networks

Publikationen von Arsene Kanyamibwa

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Thieleking, R.; Schneidewind, L.; Kanyamibwa, A.; Hartmann, H.; Horstmann, A.; Witte, A. V.; Medawar, E.: Nutrient scoring for the DEGS1-FFQ: From food intake to nutrient intake. BMC Nutrition 9 (1), 12 (2023)
Fromm, S.; Perszyk, E. E.; Kanyamibwa, A.; Wall, K. M.; Hutelin, Z.; Trinh, J.; Davis, X. S.; Green, B. G.; Flack, K. D.; DiFeliceantonio, A. et al.; Small, D. M.: Development of MacroPics: A novel food picture set to dissociate the effects of carbohydrate and fat on eating behaviors. Appetite 159, 105051 (2021)
Wall, K. M.; Farruggia, M. C.; Perszyk, E. E.; Kanyamibwa, A.; Fromm, S.; Davis, X. S.; Dalenberg, J. R.; DiFeliceantonio, A. G.; Small, D. M.: No evidence for an association between obesity and milkshake liking. International Journal of Obesity 44, S. 1668 - 1677 (2020)
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