Publikationen von Arno Villringer

Zeitschriftenartikel (115)

Zhang, R.; Beyer, F.; Lampe, L.; Luck, T.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.; Loeffler, M.; Schroeter, M. L.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Witte, V.: White matter microstructural variability mediates the relation between obesity and cognition in healthy adults. NeuroImage 172, S. 239 - 249 (2018)
Bianco, R.; Novembre, G.; Keller, P. E.; Villringer, A.; Sammler, D.: Musical genre-dependent behavioural and EEG signatures of action planning: A comparison between classical and jazz pianists. NeuroImage 169, S. 383 - 394 (2018)
Hellrung, L.; Dietrich, A.; Hollmann, M.; Pleger, B.; Kalberlah, C.; Roggenhofer, E.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.: Intermittent compared to continuous real-time fMRI neurofeedback boosts control over amygdala activation. NeuroImage 166, S. 198 - 208 (2018)
Kharabian, S.; Beyer, F.; Lampe, L.; Loeffler, M.; Luck, T.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.; Schroeter, M. L.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A.; Witte, V.: Gray matter structural networks are associated with cardiovascular risk factors in healthy older adults. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 38 (2), S. 360 - 372 (2018)
Beyer, F.; Kharabian, S.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Lampe, L.; Luck, T.; Riedel-Heller, S. G.; Loeffler, M.; Schroeter, M. L.; Stumvoll, M.; Villringer, A. et al.; Witte, V.: Higher body mass index is associated with reduced posterior default mode connectivity in older adults. Human Brain Mapping 38 (7), S. 3502 - 3515 (2017)
Tardif, C. L.; Steele, C.; Lampe, L.; Bazin, P.-L.; Ragert, P.; Villringer, A.; Gauthier, C. J.: Investigation of the confounding effects of vasculature and metabolism on computational anatomy studies. NeuroImage 149, S. 233 - 243 (2017)
Liem, F.; Varoquaux, G.; Kynast, J.; Beyer, F.; Kharabian, S.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Lampe, L.; Rahim, M.; Abraham, A.; Craddock, R. C. et al.; Riedel-Heller, S.; Luck, T.; Loeffler, M.; Schroeter, M. L.; Witte, V.; Villringer, A.; Margulies, D. S.: Predicting brain-age from multimodal imaging data captures cognitive impairment. NeuroImage 148, S. 179 - 188 (2017)
Golchert, J.; Smallwood, J.; Jefferies, E.; Liem, F.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Falkiewicz, M.; Lauckner, M.; Oligschläger, S.; Villringer, A.; Margulies, D. S.: In need of constraint: Understanding the role of the cingulate cortex in the impulsive mind. NeuroImage 146, S. 804 - 813 (2017)
Golchert, J.; Smallwood, J.; Jefferies, E.; Seli, P.; Huntenburg, J. M.; Liem, F.; Lauckner, M.; Oligschläger, S.; Bernhardt, B.; Villringer, A. et al.; Margulies, D. S.: Individual variation in intentionality in the mind-wandering state is reflected in the integration of the default-mode, fronto-parietal, and limbic networks. NeuroImage 146, S. 226 - 235 (2017)
Bianco, R.; Novembre, G.; Keller, P. E.; Kim, S.-G.; Scharf, F.; Friederici, A. D.; Villringer, A.; Sammler, D.: Neural networks for harmonic structure in music perception and action. NeuroImage 142, S. 454 - 464 (2016)
Rohr, C.; Villringer, A.; Solms-Baruth, C.; van der Meer, E.; Margulies, D. S.; Okon-Singer, H.: The neural networks of subjectively evaluated emotional conflicts. Human Brain Mapping 37 (6), S. 2234 - 2246 (2016)
Taubert, M.; Mehnert, J.; Pleger, B.; Villringer, A.: Rapid and specific gray matter changes in M1 induced by balance training. NeuroImage 133, S. 399 - 407 (2016)
Tardif, C.; Gauthier, C.; Steele, C.; Bazin, P.-L.; Schäfer, A.; Schäfer, A.; Turner, R.; Villringer, A.: Advanced MRI techniques to improve our understanding of experience-induced neuroplasticity. NeuroImage 131, S. 55 - 72 (2016)
Cohen, N.; Margulies, D. S.; Ashkenazi, S.; Schäfer, A.; Taubert, M.; Henik, A.; Villringer, A.; Okon-Singer, H.: Using executive control training to suppress amygdala reactivity to aversive information. NeuroImage 125, S. 1022 - 1031 (2016)
Fan, A. P.; Schäfer, A.; Huber, L.; Lampe, L.; von Smuda, S.; Möller, H. E.; Villringer, A.; Gauthier, C.: Baseline oxygenation in the brain: Correlation between respiratory-calibration and susceptibility methods. NeuroImage 125, S. 920 - 931 (2016)
Tardif, C.; Schäfer, A.; Trampel, R.; Villringer, A.; Turner, R.; Bazin, P.-L.: Open Science CBS Neuroimaging Repository: Sharing ultra-high-field MR images of the brain. NeuroImage 124 (Part B), S. 1143 - 1148 (2016)
Rohr, C.; Dreyer, F. R.; Aderka, I. M.; Margulies, D. S.; Frisch, S.; Villringer, A.; Okon-Singer, H.: Individual differences in common factors of emotional traits and executive functions predict functional connectivity of the amygdala. NeuroImage 120, S. 154 - 163 (2015)
Grellmann, C.; Bitzer, S.; Neumann, J.; Westlye, L.; Andreassen, O.; Villringer, A.; Horstmann, A.: Comparison of variants of canonical correlation analysis and partial least squares for combined analysis of MRI and genetic data. NeuroImage 107, S. 289 - 310 (2015)
Wilbertz, T.; Deserno, L.; Horstmann, A.; Neumann, J.; Villringer, A.; Heinze, H.-J.; Boehler, C. N.; Schlagenhauf, F.: Response inhibition and its relation to multidimensional impulsivity. NeuroImage 103, S. 241 - 248 (2014)
Schäfer, A.; Quinque, E. M.; Kipping, J.; Arélin, K.; Roggenhofer, E.; Frisch, S.; Villringer, A.; Mueller, K.; Schroeter, M. L.: Early small vessel disease affects frontoparietal and cerebellar hubs in close correlation with clinical symptoms: A resting-state fMRI study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 34 (7), S. 1091 - 1095 (2014)
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